Source code for opencmp.config_functions.boundary_conditions

# Copyright 2021 the authors (see AUTHORS file for full list).                                                         #
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# This file is part of OpenCMP.                                                                                        #
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from .base_config_functions import ConfigFunctions
import ngsolve as ngs
from ngsolve import Parameter, CoefficientFunction, GridFunction, FESpace, Mesh
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union, List, Optional

[docs]class BCFunctions(ConfigFunctions): """ Class to hold the boundary condition functions. """ def __init__(self, config_rel_path: str, import_dir: str, mesh: Mesh, t_param: List[Parameter] = [Parameter(0.0)], new_variables: List[Dict[str, Union[float, CoefficientFunction, GridFunction]]] = [{}]) -> None: super().__init__(config_rel_path, import_dir, mesh, t_param) # Load the BC dict from the BC configfile. self.bc_dict, self.bc_re_parse_dict = self.config.get_three_level_dict(self.import_dir, None, self.t_param, new_variables, ignore=['VERTICES', 'CENTROIDS'])
[docs] def load_bc_gridfunctions(self, bc_dict: Dict, fes: FESpace, model_components: Dict[str, Optional[int]]) -> Dict: """ Function to load any saved gridfunctions that should be used to specify BCs. Args: bc_dict: Dictionary specifying the BCs and their mesh markers for each variable. fes: The finite element space of the model. model_components: Maps between variable names and their component in the finite element space. Returns: The input dict now, where appropriate, holding gridfunctions in place of strings holding the paths to those gridfunctions. """ for bc_type in bc_dict.keys(): for var in bc_dict[bc_type].keys(): if var in model_components: component = model_components[var] else: # For things like stress... All of these flux-type boundary conditions use the same finite element # space as the velocity component. component = model_components['u'] for marker, val_lst in bc_dict[bc_type][var].items(): for val in val_lst: if isinstance(val, str): # Need to load a gridfunction from file. # Check that the file exists. val = self._find_rel_path_for_file(val) # Use a component of the finite element space. gfu_val = ngs.GridFunction(fes.components[component]) gfu_val.Load(val) # Replace the value in the BC dictionary. bc_dict[bc_type][var][marker] = gfu_val else: # Already parsed pass return bc_dict
[docs] def set_boundary_conditions(self, BC: Union[List[str], Dict[str, str]])\ -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, ngs.CoefficientFunction]]], Dict[str, str]]: """ Function to load the BC dictionary and to generate the list of Dirichlet BC markers for use when constructing the finite element space. Args: BC: The model's BC list (contains information about which types of BC are allowed). Returns: Tuple[Dict, Dict]: - BC_full: The full BC dictionary. - dirichlet_names: String containing all markers for Dirichlet BCs in NGSolve's required format. """ # Need to modify a different dict than BC or there are conflicts between the conformal and DIM boundary # condition dictionaries. BC_full: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, ngs.CoefficientFunction]]] = {key: {} for key in BC} # Only use pre-defined BC types. for bc_type in BC: if bc_type in self.bc_dict.keys(): BC_full[bc_type] = self.bc_dict[bc_type] # Additional work for storing information about strongly imposed Dirichlet conditions. dirichlet_names = {} if len(BC_full['dirichlet']) > 0: for var in BC_full['dirichlet']: if var == 'p': # Pressure BCs are weakly imposed, thus we skip them. pass else: # Format the list of mesh markers for the Dirichlet BCs. dirichlet_names[var] = '|'.join(list(BC_full['dirichlet'][var].keys())) if len(BC_full.get('pinned', {})) > 0: for var in BC_full['pinned']: if var in dirichlet_names.keys(): # Check that the variable doesn't already have Dirichlet BCs specified. raise ValueError('Dirichlet boundary conditions have been specified for {0}. It is unnecessary to ' 'also pin the value of {0} at a point.'.format(var)) # Format the list of mesh markers for the pinned BCs. These are later treated as Dirichlet BCs. dirichlet_names[var] = '|'.join(list(BC_full['pinned'][var].keys())) return BC_full, dirichlet_names
[docs] def set_dirichlet_boundary_conditions(self, bc_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[List[CoefficientFunction], List[list], List[float], List[GridFunction]]]]], mesh: Mesh, gfu: GridFunction, model_components: Dict) \ -> Dict[str, List[CoefficientFunction]]: """ Function to load the strongly imposed Dirichlet BCs in order to apply them to the solution gridfunction. Args: bc_dict: Dictionary specifying the BCs and their mesh markers for each variable. The BCs are all given as floats, gridfunctions, or coefficientfunctions. mesh: The model's mesh. gfu: A gridfunction constructed on the model's finite element space. model_components: The model's model_components dictionary. Returns: Dictionary of coefficientfunctions used to set the strongly imposed Dirichlet BCs. Each dictionary entry holds a list, which gives the coefficientfunction for each time step in the time discretization scheme. """ # Initialize empty g_D = {} if len(bc_dict['dirichlet']) > 0: for var in bc_dict['dirichlet']: # List of values for Dirichlet BCs for each variable dirichlet_lst: List = [[] for _ in self.t_param] if var == 'p': # Pressure BCs are weakly imposed, thus we skip them. pass else: for marker in mesh.GetBoundaries(): # Get the Dirichlet BC value for this marker, or default to 0.0 if there isn't one. The 0.0 # will later be overwritten when the other types of boundary conditions are imposed. component = model_components[var] # TODO: This is a hack. There should be a better way of doing this, but ngs.FESpace doesn't seem # to have a dim argument that corresponds to the dimension of the space. alternate: Union[List[float], List[Tuple]] # Just for type-hinting. if gfu.components[component].dim == 1: alternate = [0.0 for _ in self.t_param] else: alternate = [tuple([0.0] * gfu.components[component].dim) for _ in self.t_param] val_lst = bc_dict['dirichlet'][var].get(marker, alternate) # Store the value in a list. for i in range(len(self.t_param)): dirichlet_lst[i].append(val_lst[i]) # Format the list of mesh markers for the Dirichlet BCs. g_D[var] = [ngs.CoefficientFunction(tmp) for tmp in dirichlet_lst] if len(bc_dict.get('pinned', {})) > 0: for var in bc_dict['pinned']: if var in g_D.keys(): # Check that the variable doesn't already have Dirichlet BCs specified. raise ValueError('Dirichlet boundary conditions have been specified for {0}. It is unnecessary to ' 'also pin the value of {0} at a point.'.format(var)) # List of values for pinned BCs for each variable pinned_lst: List = [[] for _ in self.t_param] for marker in mesh.GetBoundaries(): # Get the pinned BC value for this marker, or default to 0.0 if there isn't one. The 0.0 # will later be overwritten when the other types of boundary conditions are imposed. component = model_components[var] # TODO: This is a hack. There should be a better way of doing this, but ngs.FESpace doesn't seem # to have a dim argument that corresponds to the dimension of the space. if gfu.components[component].dim == 1: alternate = [0.0 for _ in self.t_param] else: alternate = [tuple([0.0] * gfu.components[component].dim) for _ in self.t_param] val_lst = bc_dict['pinned'][var].get(marker, alternate) # Store the value in a list. for i in range(len(self.t_param)): pinned_lst[i].append(val_lst[i]) # Format the list of mesh markers for the pinned BCs. g_D[var] = [ngs.CoefficientFunction(tmp) for tmp in pinned_lst] return g_D
[docs] def update_boundary_conditions(self, t_param: List[Parameter], updated_variables: List[Dict[str, Union[float, CoefficientFunction, GridFunction]]], mesh: Mesh) -> None: """ Function to update the boundary conditions with new values of the model_variables. Args: t_param: List of parameters representing the current time and previous time steps. updated_variables: List of dictionaries containing any new model variables and their values at each time step used in the time discretization scheme. mesh: Mesh used by the model """ for k1, v1 in self.bc_re_parse_dict.items(): for k2, v2 in self.bc_re_parse_dict[k1].items(): self.bc_dict[k1][k2] = self.re_parse(self.bc_dict[k1][k2], self.bc_re_parse_dict[k1][k2], t_param,updated_variables, mesh)