Source code for opencmp.config_functions.expanded_config_parser

# Copyright 2021 the authors (see AUTHORS file for full list).                                                         #
#                                                                                                                      #
# This file is part of OpenCMP.                                                                                        #
#                                                                                                                      #
# OpenCMP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public  #
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any     #
# later version.                                                                                                       #
#                                                                                                                      #
# OpenCMP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied        #
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more  #
# details.                                                                                                             #
#                                                                                                                      #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OpenCMP. If not, see             #
# <>.                                                                                     #

import configparser
from .load_config import parse_str, convert_str_to_dict
from os.path import isfile
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast, Optional, Tuple, Callable
from ngsolve import CoefficientFunction, Mesh, Parameter, GridFunction

T = TypeVar('T', bool, str, int, float)

config_defaults: Dict = {
    'MESH': {'filename': 'REQUIRED',
             'curved_elements': False},
    'FINITE ELEMENT SPACE': {'elements': 'REQUIRED',
                             'interpolant_order': 'REQUIRED',
                             'no_constrained_dofs': False},
    'DG': {'DG': False,
           'interior_penalty_coefficient': 10.0},
    'SOLVER': {'solver': 'default',
               'preconditioner': 'default',
               'solver_tolerance': 1e-15,
               'solver_max_iterations': 100,
               'linearization_method': 'Oseen',
               'nonlinear_tolerance': {'absolute': 0.0, 'relative': 'REQUIRED'},
               'nonlinear_max_iterations': 10},
    'TRANSIENT': {'transient': False,
                  'scheme': 'implicit euler',
                  'time_range': [0.0, 5.0],
                  'dt': 0.001,
                  'dt_tolerance': {'absolute': 0.0, 'relative': 'REQUIRED'},
                  'dt_range': [1e-6, 0.1],
                  'maximum_rejected_solves': 1000},
    'ERROR ANALYSIS': {'check_error': False,
                       'check_error_every_timestep': False,
                       'save_error_every_timestep': False,
                       'convergence_test': {'h': False, 'p': False},
                       'error_average': [],
                       'num_refinements': 4},
    'OTHER': {'num_threads': 1,
              'messaging_level': 0,
              'model': 'REQUIRED',
              'component_names': [],
              'parameter_names': [],
              'run_dir': 'REQUIRED'},
    'VISUALIZATION': {'save_to_file': False,
                      'save_type': '.sol',
                      'save_frequency': ['1', 'numit'],
                      'subdivision': -1},
    'DIM': {'diffuse_interface_method': False,
            'dim_dir': 'REQUIRED',
            'mesh_dimension': 2,
            'num_mesh_elements': {'x': 59, 'y': 59, 'z': 59},
            'num_phi_mesh_elements': {},
            'mesh_scale': {'x': 1.0, 'y': 1.0, 'z': 1.0},
            'mesh_offset': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0},
            'interface_width_parameter': 1e-5,
            'mnum': 1.0,
            'close': False,
            'quad_mesh': True},
    'PHASE FIELDS': {'load_method': 'REQUIRED',
                     'invert_phi': False,
                     'stl_filename': 'REQUIRED',
                     'phase_field_filename': {'phi': 'REQUIRED', 'grad_phi': None, 'mag_grad_phi': None},
                     'save_to_file': True},
    'DIM BOUNDARY CONDITIONS': {'multiple_bcs': False,
                                'overlap_interface_parameter': -1,
                                'remainder': False},
    'RIGID BODY MOTION': {'rotation_speed': [1.0, 0.25]},
    'CONTROLLER': {'active': False}

[docs]class ConfigParser(configparser.ConfigParser): """ A ConfigParser extended to have several useful functions added to it. """ def __init__(self, config_file_path: str) -> None: super().__init__() # Check that the file exists. if not isfile(config_file_path): raise FileNotFoundError('The given config file \"{}\" does not exist.'.format(config_file_path))
[docs] def get_one_level_dict(self, config_section: str, import_dir: str, mesh: Mesh, t_param: Optional[List[Parameter]] = None, new_variables: List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, float, CoefficientFunction, GridFunction, None]]] = [{}], all_str: bool = False) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Function to load parameters from a config file into a single-level dictionary. The values in the lowest level dictionary are either parsed into Python code or kept as strings if they represent paths to .sol files. All keys are kept as strings. :: Ex: model_params_dict = {'density': float, 'viscosity': float, 'source': CoefficientFunction} Args: config_section: The section of the config file to load parameters from. import_dir: The path to the main run directory containing the file from which to import any Python functions. t_param: List of parameters representing the current time and previous time steps. If None, the re-parsed values have no possible time dependence and one single value is returned instead of a list of values corresponding to the re-parsed value at each time step. mesh: Mesh used by the model new_variables: List of dictionaries containing any new model variables and their values at each time step used in the time discretization scheme. all_str: If True, don't bother parsing any values, just load them as strings. Returns: Tuple[Dict, Dict] - dict_one: Dictionary containing the config file values. - re_parse_dict: Dictionary containing only parameter values that may need to be re-parsed in the future. """ dict_one: Dict[str, Union[str, float, CoefficientFunction, list]] = {} re_parse_dict: Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]] = {} val_str_lst: Union[str, List] # Just for type-hinting. for key in self[config_section]: if all_str: # If all_str option is passed none of the parameters should ever need to be re-parsed. val_str_lst = self.get_list([config_section, key], str) if t_param is None: dict_one[key] = val_str_lst else: dict_one[key] = [val_str_lst for _ in t_param] else: val_str_lst = self.load_param_simple([config_section, key]) val, variable_eval = parse_str(val_str_lst, import_dir, t_param, mesh=mesh, filetypes=['.sol'], new_variables=new_variables) dict_one[key] = val if isinstance(variable_eval, str) or callable(variable_eval): # Add the string expression or imported Python function to re_parse_dict in case it needs to be # re-parsed in the future, re_parse_dict[key] = variable_eval return dict_one, re_parse_dict
[docs] def get_two_level_dict(self, config_section: str, import_dir: str, mesh: Mesh, t_param: Optional[List[Parameter]] = None, new_variables: List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, float, CoefficientFunction, GridFunction, None]]] = [{}]) \ -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Function to load parameters from a config file into a two-level dictionary. The values in the lowest level dictionary are either parsed into Python code or kept as strings if they represent paths to .sol files. All other keys and values are kept as strings. :: Ex: model_functions_dict = {'source': {'c1': CoefficientFunction, 'c2': CoefficientFunction} } Args: config_section: The section of the config file to load parameters from. import_dir: The path to the main run directory containing the file from which to import any Python functions. t_param: List of parameters representing the current time and previous time steps. If None, the re-parsed values have no possible time dependence and one single value is returned instead of a list of values corresponding to the re-parsed value at each time step. new_variables: List of dictionaries containing any new model variables and their values at each time step used in the time discretization scheme. Returns: Tuple[Dict, Dict] - dict_one: Dictionary containing the config file values. - re_parse_dict: Dictionary containing only parameter values that may need to be re-parsed in the future. """ # Top level dictionaries. dict_one: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, float, CoefficientFunction, list]]] = {} re_parse_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {} for key in self[config_section]: # 2nd level dictionary dict_two, re_parse_dict_two = convert_str_to_dict(self[config_section][key], import_dir, t_param, mesh, new_variables, ['.sol']) dict_one[key] = dict_two re_parse_dict[key] = re_parse_dict_two return dict_one, re_parse_dict
[docs] def get_three_level_dict(self, import_dir: str, mesh: Mesh, t_param: Optional[List[Parameter]] = None, new_variables: List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, float, CoefficientFunction, GridFunction, None]]] = [{}], ignore=[]) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Function to load parameters from a config file into a three-level dictionary. The values in the lowest level dictionary are either parsed into Python code or kept as strings if they represent paths to .sol files. All other keys and values are kept as strings. :: Ex: bc_dict = {'dirichlet': {'u': {marker1: CoefficientFunction, marker2: CoefficientFunction}, 'p': {marker3: CoefficientFunction} }, 'neumann': {'p': {marker4: CoefficientFunction} } } Args: import_dir: The path to the main run directory containing the file from which to import any Python functions. t_param: List of parameters representing the current time and previous time steps. If None, the re-parsed values have no possible time dependence and one single value is returned instead of a list of values corresponding to the re-parsed value at each time step. new_variables: List of dictionaries containing any new model variables and their values at each time step used in the time discretization scheme. ignore: List of section headers to ignore if only part of the config file should be read. Returns: Tuple[Dict, Dict]: - dict_one: Dictionary containing the config file values. - re_parse_dict: Dictionary containing only parameter values that may need to be re-parsed in the future. """ # Keys for the top level dictionaries keys_one = [item for item in self.sections() if item not in ignore] # Top level dictionaries dict_one: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, float, CoefficientFunction, list]]]] = {} re_parse_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]] = {} for k1 in keys_one: # 2nd level dictionaries dict_two = {} re_parse_dict_two = {} for k2 in self[k1]: # 3rd level dictionaries dict_three, re_parse_dict_three = convert_str_to_dict(self[k1][k2], import_dir, t_param, mesh, new_variables, ['.sol']) dict_two[k2] = dict_three re_parse_dict_two[k2] = re_parse_dict_three dict_one[k1.lower()] = dict_two re_parse_dict[k1.lower()] = re_parse_dict_two return dict_one, re_parse_dict
[docs] def load_param_simple(self, config_keys: List[str], quiet: bool = False) -> str: """ Loads a parameter specified in the given config file. Keeps the parameter as a string and does not try to split it into a list of values. Args: config_keys: The keys that specify the location of the parameter in the config file (header, subheader...). quiet: If True suppresses the warning about the default value being used for a parameter, and about not converting a number to a string. Returns: The parameter value. """ section, key = config_keys try: param = self[section][key] except KeyError: try: param = config_defaults[section][key] except KeyError: raise ValueError('{0}, {1} is not a valid parameter.'.format(section, key)) if param == 'REQUIRED': raise ValueError('No default available for {0}, {1}. ' 'Please specify a value in the config file.'.format(section, key)) else: if not quiet: print('Using the default value of {0} for {1}, {2}.'.format(param, section, key)) return param
[docs] def _load_param(self, config_keys: List[str], val_type: Type[T], quiet: bool = False) -> List[T]: """ Loads a parameter specified in the given config file. Can also loads lists of the specified parameter type. Args: config_keys: The keys that specify the location of the parameter in the config file (header, subheader...). val_type: The expected parameter type. quiet: If True suppresses the warning about the default value being used for a parameter, and about not converting a number to a string. Returns: The parameter value or a list of the parameter's values. """ section, key = config_keys param_tmp: Any try: param_tmp = self[section][key].split(', ') except KeyError: try: param_tmp = config_defaults[section][key] except KeyError: raise ValueError('{0}, {1} is not a valid parameter.'.format(section, key)) if param_tmp == 'REQUIRED': raise ValueError('No default available for {0}, {1}. ' 'Please specify a value in the config file.'.format(section, key)) else: if not quiet: print('Using the default value of {0} for {1}, {2}.'.format(param_tmp, section, key)) try: param: List[T] = [] if type(param_tmp) is not list: param_tmp = [param_tmp] for item in param_tmp: # Check to make sure that a number is not accidentally converted to something else. if not quiet: if not (val_type is int or val_type is float): try: float(item) print('You are trying to convert ' + item + ' to type ' + val_type.__name__ + ' but it appears to be a number. Is this a mistake?') except: # If it can't be converted to a number, do nothing pass if issubclass(val_type, bool): if isinstance(item, str): param.append(item == 'True') elif isinstance(item, bool): param.append(item) else: param.append(val_type(item)) except: raise TypeError('Incorrect value type for {} in {}.'.format(key, section)) return param
[docs] def get_dict(self, config_keys: List[str], import_dir: str, mesh: Optional[Mesh] = None, t_param: Optional[List[Parameter]] = None, quiet: bool = False, all_str: bool = False)\ -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Function to load a one level dictionary of parameters from the config file. Use instead of get_one_level_dict if the dictionary is denoted by a "->" separator. Args: config_keys: The keys needed to access the parameters from the config file. import_dir: The path to the main run directory containing the file from which to import any Python functions. mesh: Mesh for the model t_param: List of parameters representing the current time and previous time steps. If None, the re-parsed values have no possible time dependence and one single value is returned instead of a list of values corresponding to the re-parsed value at each time step. quiet: If True suppresses the warning about the default value being used for a parameter. all_str: If True, don't bother parsing any values, just load them as strings. Returns: Dictionary of the parsed parameters from the config file. """ string = self.load_param_simple(config_keys, quiet) if isinstance(string, str): # If loaded from the config file the string will need to be parsed into a dict, otherwise if it was taken # from config_defaults it will already be a dict. param_dict, re_parse_dict = convert_str_to_dict(string, import_dir, t_param, mesh=mesh, all_str=all_str) elif isinstance(string, dict): param_dict = string re_parse_dict = {} else: raise TypeError('Need to update config_defaults. {0}, {1} should be a dictionary.' .format(config_keys[0], config_keys[1])) if re_parse_dict: # Assuming that any parameters obtained with get_dict are not functions of the model variables and will # never need to be re-parsed. raise NotImplementedError('No way to re-parse this parameter. Should be added to a ConfigFunctions object so' ' re-parsing can be tracked.') # Check that param_dict has all the expected keys. If one or more keys are missing, replace them with their # default values (or raise an error that that key's value must be specified). default = config_defaults.get(config_keys[0], {}).get(config_keys[1], {}) if default == 'REQUIRED': # No defaults available so just assume that what the user gave is correct. pass elif isinstance(default, dict): for key, val in default.items(): if key not in param_dict.keys(): # Check that param_dict isn't missing any required items. if val == 'REQUIRED': raise ValueError('No default available for {0}, {1}, {2}. Please specify a value in the config ' 'file.'.format(config_keys[0], config_keys[1], key)) else: # If there is a default value for the item add it into param_dict. if t_param is None: param_dict[key] = val else: param_dict[key] = [val for _ in t_param] elif param_dict[key] == 'REQUIRED': # Check that any default values assigned to param_dict are real and not values that are required to # be specified. raise ValueError('No default available for {0}, {1}, {2}. Please specify a value in the config ' 'file.'.format(config_keys[0], config_keys[1], key)) else: raise TypeError('Need to update config_defaults. {0}, {1} should be a dictionary.' .format(config_keys[0], config_keys[1])) return param_dict
[docs] def get_list(self, config_keys: List[str], val_type: Type[T], quiet: bool = False) -> List[T]: """ Function to load a list of parameters from the config file. Args: config_keys: The keys needed to access the parameters from the config file. val_type: The type that each parameter is supposed to be. quiet: If True suppresses the warning about the default value being used for a parameter. Returns: List of the parameters from the config file in the type specified. """ ret = self._load_param(config_keys, val_type, quiet) # Ensure that it's a list assert type(ret) == list return cast(List[val_type], ret)
[docs] def get_item(self, config_keys: List[str], val_type: Type[T], quiet: bool = False) -> T: """ Function to load a parameter from the config file. Args: config_keys: The keys needed to access the parameter from the config file. val_type: The type that the parameter is supposed to be. quiet: If True suppresses the warning about the default value being used for a parameter. Returns: The parameter from the config file in the type specified. """ ret = self._load_param(config_keys, val_type, quiet) # Ensure that it's a single value assert len(ret) == 1 and type(ret[0]) == val_type ret_value = ret[0] return cast(val_type, ret_value)