# Copyright 2021 the authors (see AUTHORS file for full list). #
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# This file is part of OpenCMP. #
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from .base_controller import Controller
from ..models import Model
from ngsolve import CoefficientFunction, GridFunction, Parameter
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, cast
from numpy import isclose
[docs]class PID(Controller):
A Discrete PID controller.
def __init__(self, t_params: List[Parameter], model: Model, config_rel_path: str, import_dir: str) -> None:
super().__init__(t_params, model, config_rel_path, import_dir)
# Ensure that this is a Single-Input-Single-Output controller
assert len(self.vars_control) == len(t_params)
assert len(self.vars_manipulate) == len(t_params)
# Get information for manipulated variable
self.bc_type = self.vars_manipulate[0][0]
self.bc_var = self.vars_manipulate[0][1]
self.bc_location = self.vars_manipulate[0][2]
# Extract parameters
parameters: Dict[str, List[float]] = cast(Dict[str, List[float]],
self.bias: float = parameters['bias'][0]
self.K_c: float = parameters['k_c'][0]
self.tau_I: float = parameters['tau_i'][0]
self.tau_D: float = parameters['tau_d'][0]
# List of past actions, needed for Integral and Derivative control
# Initialize with initial error
self.errors: List[float] = []
# The integrated error used for the Integral portion of the controller
self.integrated_error = 0.0
# Load the initial BC value as the initial value to ensure that there's always a smooth transition
# TODO: How do we handle it when the initial value is a coefficient function?
initial_bc_val = self.model.BC.get(self.bc_type, {}).get(self.bc_var, {}).get(self.bc_location, None)[0]
# TODO: when would this be none?
if initial_bc_val is not None:
if isinstance(initial_bc_val, float):
self.prev_control_action_val = cast(float, initial_bc_val)
raise ValueError('Only float BC types are currently supported by a PID controller')
raise ValueError('Specified BC value does exist')
[docs] def calculate_control_action(self, soln: GridFunction, rk_scheme: bool) \
-> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Optional[CoefficientFunction]]]]]:
control_action_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Optional[CoefficientFunction]]]]] = {}
# DOES NOT get called for intermediate steps
# BUT, needs to calculate a control action for each t_param so that each intermediate step has a value using
# it's t_param so that it
if isclose(self.t_next_action, self.model.t_param[0].Get()):
# Get the measure value of the control variable
# NOTE: [0] is used since a list is returned and for a PID that list has a single entry
measurement = self._evaluate_control_variables(soln)[0]
# Get the setpoint value for the control variable
# NOTE: [0] is used vars_control is a list of control var info and for a PID that list has a single entry
# NOTE: [2] is used since the structure of self.vars_control[0] is [name_1, pos_1, val_1], and we want val_1
setpoint = self.vars_control[0][2]
# The index which to index into the setpoint and measurement values.
# NOTE: For scalar trial functions this is 0 (-1 could also work)
# For a vector trial function (e.g. velocity) this will compare only a single component
index = self.vars_control[0][3]
# Calculate error
error = setpoint[index] - measurement[index]
# Store error at current timestep
# Set-point bias term
control_action_val = self.bias
# Proportional portion
control_action_val += self.K_c * error
# Integral portion
control_action_val += self.K_c / self.tau_I * self._error_integral()
except ZeroDivisionError:
# Derivative portion
control_action_val += self.K_c * self.tau_D * self._error_derivative()
tmp_list: List[Optional[CoefficientFunction]] = [None for _ in range(len(self.t_params))]
if rk_scheme:
# TODO: Expand on below comments
# Do not use the last entry for t_params for an RK scheme.
for i in range(len(self.t_params)-1):
control_action = self._apply_dynamics_equation(control_action_val, self.prev_control_action_val,
tmp_list[i] = control_action
# Rather than a perfect step change, the control action now follows a smoothed step change
control_action = self._apply_dynamics_equation(control_action_val, self.prev_control_action_val,
tmp_list[0] = control_action
# TODO: add to the correct location, merge correctly
# TODO: for RK scheme, all BUT THE LAST positions get filled in
# len(BC_list) == scheme_order + 1
# DO NOT add values to BC_list[end]
# if RK and self.scheme_order == 3 [ca_1, ca_2, ca_3, None] -> [t^n_1, t^int_2, t^int_1, t^n]
# if not RK only modify BC_list[0]
# Package control action into format needed to apply as BC
control_action_dict = {self.bc_type: {self.bc_var: {self.bc_location: tmp_list}}}
# Store this control action for later use
self.prev_control_action_val = control_action_val
# Increment the time for the next control action
return control_action_dict
[docs] def _error_integral(self) -> float:
Function to estimate the integral term for the controller
n = len(self.errors)
if n >= 2: # Trapezoid rule
self.integrated_error += (self.errors[-1] + self.errors[-2]) / 2 * self.dt_control
elif n == 1: # Left hand rectangle rule
self.integrated_error += self.errors[-1] * self.dt_control
return self.integrated_error
[docs] def _error_derivative(self) -> float:
Function to estimate the derivative term for the controller
derivative_error = 0.0
# Number of previous errors stored
n = len(self.errors)
# TODO: implement higher order schemes once there is the data for it
if n >= 3: # 2nd order backwards difference
derivative_error = (3 * self.errors[-1] - 4 * self.errors[-2] + self.errors[-3]) / self.dt_control
elif n >= 2: # 1st order backwards difference
derivative_error = (self.errors[-1] - self.errors[-2]) / self.dt_control
return derivative_error