Source code for opencmp.diffuse_interface.dim

# Copyright 2021 the authors (see AUTHORS file for full list).                                                         #
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# This file is part of OpenCMP.                                                                                        #
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# OpenCMP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public  #
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from ..config_functions import ConfigParser
from . import interface, mesh_helpers
from ..helpers.ngsolve_ import numpy_to_ngsolve
from import create_and_load_gridfunction_from_file
import numpy as np
import ngsolve as ngs
from ngsolve import Mesh, Parameter
from typing import List, Dict

[docs]class DIM: """ Class to hold the diffuse interface methods and parameters. """ def __init__(self, DIM_dir: str, import_dir: str, t_param: List[Parameter]) -> None: """ Initialize the diffuse interface parameters. Args: DIM_dir: The run directory for the diffuse interface parameters. import_dir: The path to the main run directory containing the file from which to import any Python functions. t_param: List of parameters representing the current and previous timestep times. """ # Save the path to the DIM directory. self.DIM_dir = DIM_dir # Set the file path to import Python functions from. self.import_dir = import_dir # Initialize the time parameters. self.t_param = t_param # Load the DIM-specific configfile. self.config = ConfigParser(self.DIM_dir + '/dim_config') # Load the BC parameters. self.multiple_bcs = self.config.get_item(['DIM BOUNDARY CONDITIONS', 'multiple_bcs'], bool) # Initialize the mask dictionaries. self.mask_arr_dict: Dict = {} self.mask_gfu_dict: Dict = {} # Load the nonconformal parameters. self._load_nonconformal_parameters() # Determine if the phase fields and masks should be loaded from files or generated. self.load_method = self.config.get_item(['PHASE FIELDS', 'load_method'], str) if self.load_method == 'generate': # Generate from one .stl file. # # Get the name of the .stl file holding the complex geometry. self.stl_filename = self.config.get_item(['PHASE FIELDS', 'stl_filename'], str) # Generate the phase field array and the nonconformal mesh. self.phi_arr = self._generate_phase_field() self._generate_DIM_mesh() # Generate the BC masks. if self.multiple_bcs: self.bc_config = ConfigParser(self.DIM_dir + '/bc_dir/dim_bc_config') self._load_bc_parameters(self.config, self.bc_config) self._generate_BC_masks() elif self.load_method == 'combine': # Generate phase fields from multiple .stl files and combine them into a single one. # # Create the mesh. self._generate_DIM_mesh() # Create an array to hold the final phi. if self.invert: self.phi_arr = np.ones(tuple([n+1 for n in self.N])) else: self.phi_arr = np.zeros(tuple([n + 1 for n in self.N])) # Get the names of the .stl files and the config files holding further information about them. stl_filename_dict = self.config.get_dict(['PHASE FIELDS', 'stl_filename'], self.import_dir, None, None, all_str=True) for config_filename, stl_filename in stl_filename_dict.items(): # Generate a phase field from the .stl file and incorporate it into self.phi_arr by taking the # elementwise maximum. self.stl_filename = stl_filename tmp_phi_arr = self._generate_phase_field() if self.invert: self.phi_arr = np.minimum(self.phi_arr, tmp_phi_arr) else: self.phi_arr = np.maximum(self.phi_arr, tmp_phi_arr) tmp_config = ConfigParser(self.DIM_dir + '/' + config_filename) tmp_multiple_bcs = tmp_config.get_item(['DIM BOUNDARY CONDITIONS', 'multiple_bcs'], bool) if tmp_multiple_bcs: # Load BC parameters specific to the new config file. self._load_bc_parameters(tmp_config, tmp_config) # Add additional masks to self.mask_arr_dict based on the .stl file's config file. self._generate_BC_masks() else: # One mask of all ones. Name it after the config file. mask = np.ones(tuple([n + 1 for n in self.tmp_N])) mask = mesh_helpers.crop_to_mesh_bounds(mask, self.N, self.scale, self.offset, self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset) self.mask_arr_dict[config_filename] = mask # Reset the BC parameters back to the values from the main DIM config file. if self.multiple_bcs: self.bc_config = ConfigParser(self.DIM_dir + '/bc_dir/dim_bc_config') self._load_bc_parameters(self.config, self.bc_config) elif self.load_method == 'file': # Load from a .sol file. # if self.multiple_bcs: # Load BC parameters. self.bc_config = ConfigParser(self.DIM_dir + '/bc_dir/dim_bc_config') self._load_bc_parameters(self.config, self.bc_config, quiet=True) else: raise ValueError('Do not recognize method for loading the phase fields.') # Check for rigid body motion. # Rigid body motion is currently constrained to rotation about the z-axis at some user-specified rotation speed. # This is because rigid body motion is only being used to simulate impeller motion in a stirred-tank reactor. if 'RIGID BODY MOTION' in self.config.sections(): self.rigid_body_motion = True tmp = self.config.get_list(['RIGID BODY MOTION', 'rotation_speed'], float) if len(tmp) == 2: tmp_theta, ramp_time = tmp else: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of options specified for RIGID BODY MOTION rotation_speed. Expecting' ' a rotation speed (rotations per unit time) and a ramp-up time (unit time).') theta = lambda t: 0.5 * (0.0 - tmp_theta) * np.cos(np.pi * t / ramp_time) + 0.5 * (0.0 + tmp_theta) if t < ramp_time else tmp_theta # Make sure N, scale, and offset are known, even if the phase fields are being loaded from file. try: self.N except AttributeError: self._load_nonconformal_parameters() if self.dim == 2: self.inv_R = lambda t: np.array([[(1 - ngs.sin(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t) ** 2) / ngs.cos(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t), ngs.sin(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t)], [-ngs.sin(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t), ngs.cos(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t)]]) elif self.dim == 3: self.inv_R = lambda t: \ np.array([[(1 - ngs.sin(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t) ** 2) / ngs.cos(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t), ngs.sin(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t), 0.0], [-ngs.sin(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t), ngs.cos(2.0 * np.pi * theta(t) * t), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1]]) else: raise ValueError('Rigid body motion is only available in 2D and 3D.') else: self.rigid_body_motion = False
[docs] def _load_nonconformal_parameters(self) -> None: """ Helper to load parameters needed for generating a nonconformal mesh and phase fields. """ # Need to know the dimensionality of the simulation. self.dim = self.config.get_item(['DIM', 'mesh_dimension'], int) if self.dim not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError('The diffuse interface method is only implemented in 2D and 3D.') # Load the nonconformal mesh parameters. N_mesh = self.config.get_dict(['DIM', 'num_mesh_elements'], self.import_dir, None) scale = self.config.get_dict(['DIM', 'mesh_scale'], self.import_dir, None) offset = self.config.get_dict(['DIM', 'mesh_offset'], self.import_dir, None) # Check if phi should be created on a more refined mesh. N = self.config.get_dict(['DIM', 'num_phi_mesh_elements'], self.import_dir, None, quiet=True) if not N: # Just use the mesh spacing of the full mesh to create phi. N = N_mesh if self.dim == 2: self.N = [int(N['x']), int(N['y'])] self.N_mesh = [int(N_mesh['x']), int(N_mesh['y'])] self.scale = [scale['x'], scale['y']] self.offset = [offset['x'], offset['y']] elif self.dim == 3: self.N = [int(N['x']), int(N['y']), int(N['z'])] self.N_mesh = [int(N_mesh['x']), int(N_mesh['y']), int(N_mesh['z'])] self.scale = [scale['x'], scale['y'], scale['z']] self.offset = [offset['x'], offset['y'], offset['z']] # Load the interface parameters. self.lmbda = self.config.get_item(['DIM', 'interface_width_parameter'], float, quiet=True) # Load some parameters specific to how the interface approximation is created. These are highly optional. self.mnum = self.config.get_item(['DIM', 'mnum'], float, quiet=True) self.close = self.config.get_item(['DIM', 'close'], bool, quiet=True) # Dictates whether or not to invert phi. self.invert = self.config.get_item(['PHASE FIELDS', 'invert_phi'], bool, quiet=True)
[docs] def _load_bc_parameters(self, config: ConfigParser, bc_config: ConfigParser, quiet: bool = False) -> None: """ Helper function to load the BC parameters. Should only be called if self.multiple_bcs=True. Args: config: The main DIM config file. bc_config: The DIM BC config file (or the config file containing [VERTICES] and [CENTROIDS]). quiet: If True suppresses warnings about using default parameter values. """ if self.dim == 2: # In 2D vertices is a list of coordinates. # There should be no reason to ever re-parse vertices. self.vertices, _ = bc_config.get_one_level_dict('VERTICES', self.import_dir, None) else: # In 3D vertices is a list of stl file names that contain the points of the planes that separate the # various boundary conditions. # There should be no reason to ever re-parse vertices. self.vertices, _ = bc_config.get_one_level_dict('VERTICES', self.import_dir, None, all_str=True) try: # There should be no reason to ever re-parse centroid. self.centroid, _ = bc_config.get_one_level_dict('CENTROIDS', self.import_dir, None) except KeyError: self.centroid = {} self.lmbda_overlap = config.get_item(['DIM BOUNDARY CONDITIONS', 'overlap_interface_parameter'], float, quiet) if self.lmbda_overlap == -1: self.lmbda_overlap = False self.remainder = config.get_item(['DIM BOUNDARY CONDITIONS', 'remainder'], bool, quiet)
[docs] def _generate_DIM_mesh(self) -> None: """ Function to get the nonconformal mesh. This mesh is a simple rectangle or rectangular prism, is constructed of quadrilateral/hexahedral elements and has exterior boundaries "left", "right", "top", "bottom" (and "front" and "back" for 3D). See get_Netgen_nonconformal in mesh_helpers for more details. """ # Check whether the mesh should be a quadrilateral/hexahedral mesh or a triangular/tetrahedral mesh (needed for # adaptive mesh refinement). self.quad = self.config.get_item(['DIM', 'quad_mesh'], bool) self.ngmesh = mesh_helpers.get_Netgen_nonconformal(self.N_mesh, self.scale, self.offset, self.dim, self.quad) self.mesh = ngs.Mesh(self.ngmesh) # Also create a refined mesh to calculate Grad(phi) and |Grad(phi)| on before projecting onto the coarse # simulation mesh. self.ngmesh_refined = mesh_helpers.get_Netgen_nonconformal(self.N, self.scale, self.offset, self.dim, self.quad) self.mesh_refined = ngs.Mesh(self.ngmesh_refined)
[docs] def _generate_phase_field(self): """ Function to generate the phase field. This function produces a numpy array, which must later be converted into a gridfunction. """ if self.dim == 2: self.boundary_lst, bounds_lst = mesh_helpers.get_mesh_boundary_2d(self.stl_filename) # Check that the .stl file doesn't exceed the bounds of the domain. If it does, use the bounds of the .stl # instead, then trim the resulting phase field to fit the domain. self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset = mesh_helpers.get_new_bounds(bounds_lst, self.N, self.scale, self.offset) binary_arr = interface.get_binary_2d(self.boundary_lst, self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset) elif self.dim == 3: self.boundary_lst, bounds_lst = mesh_helpers.get_stl_faces(self.stl_filename) # Check that the .stl file doesn't exceed the bounds of the domain. If it does, use the bounds of the .stl # instead, then trim the resulting phase field to fit the domain. self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset = mesh_helpers.get_new_bounds(bounds_lst, self.N, self.scale, self.offset) binary_arr = interface.get_binary_3d(self.boundary_lst, self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset, self.mnum, self.close) tmp_phi_arr = interface.get_phi(binary_arr, self.lmbda, self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset, self.dim) # Recombine tmp_phi_arr onto the array corresponding to the full nonconformal domain. phi_arr = mesh_helpers.crop_to_mesh_bounds(tmp_phi_arr, self.N, self.scale, self.offset, self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset) # Invert phi if desired. if self.invert: phi_arr = 1.0 - phi_arr # Set zero areas to a small constant to prevent singularities. phi_arr = phi_arr * (1.0 - 1e-10) + 1e-10 return phi_arr
[docs] def _generate_BC_masks(self): """ Function to generate the boundary condition phase field masks. This function produces numpy arrays, which must later be converted into gridfunctions. """ if self.dim == 2: tmp_mask_arr_dict = interface.split_nonconformal_subdomains_2d(self.boundary_lst, self.vertices, self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset, self.lmbda_overlap, self.remainder, self.centroid) # Recombine all masks onto the array corresponding to the full nonconformal domain. for marker, tmp_arr in tmp_mask_arr_dict.items(): arr = mesh_helpers.crop_to_mesh_bounds(tmp_arr, self.N, self.scale, self.offset, self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset) self.mask_arr_dict[marker] = arr elif self.dim == 3: tmp_mask_arr_dict = interface.split_nonconformal_subdomains_3d(self.boundary_lst, self.vertices, self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset, self.lmbda_overlap, self.remainder, self.centroid) # Recombine all masks onto the array corresponding to the full nonconformal domain. for marker, tmp_arr in tmp_mask_arr_dict.items(): arr = mesh_helpers.crop_to_mesh_bounds(tmp_arr, self.N, self.scale, self.offset, self.tmp_N, self.tmp_scale, self.tmp_offset) self.mask_arr_dict[marker] = arr return
[docs] def get_DIM_gridfunctions(self, mesh: Mesh, interp_ord: int): """ Function to get all of the phase fields and masks as gridfunctions. This is either done by loading the phase fields and masks from files or by constructing the numpy arrays and then converting those into gridfunctions. Args: mesh: The mesh for the gridfunctions. interp_ord: The interpolant order for the finite element space for the gridfunctions. """ if self.load_method == 'file': # The phase field and masks have already been created and saved as gridfunctions. fes = ngs.H1(mesh, order=interp_ord) phase_field_filename_dict = self.config.get_dict(['PHASE FIELDS', 'phase_field_filename'], self.import_dir, None, all_str=True) self.phi_gfu = create_and_load_gridfunction_from_file(phase_field_filename_dict['phi'], fes, [self.DIM_dir]) if phase_field_filename_dict['grad_phi'] is None: # Construct Grad(phi) from phi. self.grad_phi_gfu = ngs.Grad(self.phi_gfu) else: # Load Grad(phi) from file. This would mainly be done if the phase fields were constructed on a more # refined mesh than the simulation mesh. grad_fes = ngs.VectorH1(mesh, order=interp_ord) self.grad_phi_gfu = create_and_load_gridfunction_from_file(phase_field_filename_dict['grad_phi'], grad_fes, [self.DIM_dir]) if phase_field_filename_dict['mag_grad_phi'] is None: # Construct |Grad(phi)| from Grad(phi). self.mag_grad_phi_gfu = ngs.Norm(self.grad_phi_gfu) else: # Load |Grad(phi)| from file. This would mainly be done if the phase fields were constructed on a more # refined mesh than the simulation mesh. self.mag_grad_phi_gfu = create_and_load_gridfunction_from_file(phase_field_filename_dict['mag_grad_phi'], fes, [self.DIM_dir]) if self.multiple_bcs: # There are BC masks that must be loaded. for marker, filename in self.vertices.items(): mask_gfu = create_and_load_gridfunction_from_file(filename, fes, [self.DIM_dir]) self.mask_gfu_dict[marker] = mask_gfu else: # One single mask that is just a grid function of ones. mask_gfu = ngs.GridFunction(fes) mask_gfu.Set(1.0) self.mask_gfu_dict['all'] = mask_gfu else: # The phase field and masks must be generated as numpy arrays and then converted into gridfunctions. # The phase field array has already been generated because it is needed to generate the mesh. # Construct the phase field, Grad(phi), and |Grad(phi)|. if self.N == self.N_mesh: # phi was generated on the simulation mesh, so just load phi into a gridfunction and compute Grad(phi) # and |Grad(phi)|. self.phi_gfu = numpy_to_ngsolve(self.mesh, interp_ord, self.phi_arr, self.scale, self.offset, self.dim) self.grad_phi_gfu = ngs.Grad(self.phi_gfu) self.mag_grad_phi_gfu = ngs.Norm(ngs.Grad(self.phi_gfu)) else: # phi was generated on a refined mesh, so load it into a refined mesh gridfunction, compute Grad(phi) # and |Grad(phi)|, then project all three into gridfunctions defined on the simulation mesh. phi_gfu_tmp = numpy_to_ngsolve(self.mesh_refined, interp_ord, self.phi_arr, self.scale, self.offset, self.dim) grad_phi_gfu_tmp = ngs.Grad(phi_gfu_tmp) mag_grad_phi_gfu_tmp = ngs.Norm(ngs.Grad(phi_gfu_tmp)) # Now project onto the coarse simulation mesh. fes = ngs.H1(mesh, order=interp_ord) vec_fes = ngs.VectorH1(mesh, order=interp_ord) self.phi_gfu = ngs.GridFunction(fes) self.grad_phi_gfu = ngs.GridFunction(vec_fes) self.mag_grad_phi_gfu = ngs.GridFunction(fes) self.phi_gfu.Set(phi_gfu_tmp) self.grad_phi_gfu.Set(grad_phi_gfu_tmp) self.mag_grad_phi_gfu.Set(mag_grad_phi_gfu_tmp) if self.multiple_bcs: # There are multiple BC masks that must be generated and loaded. for marker, mask_arr in self.mask_arr_dict.items(): mask_gfu = numpy_to_ngsolve(mesh, interp_ord, mask_arr, self.scale, self.offset, self.dim) self.mask_gfu_dict[marker] = mask_gfu else: # One single mask that is just a grid function of ones. mask_arr = np.ones(tuple([int(n + 1) for n in self.N])) mask_gfu = numpy_to_ngsolve(mesh, interp_ord, mask_arr, self.scale, self.offset, self.dim) self.mask_gfu_dict['all'] = mask_gfu # Save the gridfunctions if desired. save_to_file = self.config.get_item(['PHASE FIELDS', 'save_to_file'], bool) if save_to_file: self.phi_gfu.Save(self.DIM_dir + '/phi.sol') self.ngmesh.Save(self.DIM_dir + '/mesh.vol') for marker, gfu in self.mask_gfu_dict.items(): # Save the BC masks inside the DIM bc_dir. gfu.Save(self.DIM_dir + '/bc_dir/{}_mask.sol'.format(marker)) # Enforce that phi stays within the range [0, 1]. Particularly necessary when the phase fields are originally # constructed on a refined mesh then projected onto a coarser simulation mesh. for i in range(len(self.phi_gfu.vec)): self.phi_gfu.vec[i] = min(max(self.phi_gfu.vec[i], 1e-10), 1.0) # Save a copy of phi as the initial phase field gridfunction (particularly important for rigid body motion). fes = ngs.H1(mesh, order=interp_ord) self.phi_gfu_orig = ngs.GridFunction(fes) = self.phi_gfu.vec if self.rigid_body_motion: # Grad(phi) and |Grad(phi)| need to be coefficientfunctions so that they update as phi changes. self.grad_phi_gfu = ngs.Grad(self.phi_gfu) self.mag_grad_phi_gfu = ngs.Norm(ngs.Grad(self.phi_gfu))