# Copyright 2021 the authors (see AUTHORS file for full list). #
# #
# This file is part of OpenCMP. #
# #
# OpenCMP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public #
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any #
# later version. #
# #
# OpenCMP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied #
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OpenCMP. If not, see #
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import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
import scipy.ndimage as spimg
import scipy.special as spec
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Optional
from . import mesh_helpers
from ..helpers.misc import can_import_module
if can_import_module('edt'):
missing_edt = False
import edt
missing_edt = True
[docs]def get_binary_2d(boundary_lst: List, N: List[int], scale: List[float], offset: List[float]) -> ndarray:
Generate a binary representation of a 2D complex geometry on a numpy array.
This is done by setting the array elements corresponding to points inside the geometry to 1 and all other array
elements to 0.
boundary_lst: List of coordinates of the geometry's boundary vertices in counterclockwise order.
N: Number of mesh elements in each direction (N+1 nodes).
scale: Extent of the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> scale=[4,4]).
offset: Centers the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> offset=[2,2]).
Array containing a binary representation of the complex geometry.
shape = (int(N[0] + 1), int(N[1] + 1))
binary = np.empty(shape)
for i in range(shape[0]):
for j in range(shape[1]):
x = i * scale[0] / N[0] - offset[0]
y = j * scale[1] / N[1] - offset[1]
binary[i, j] = mesh_helpers.ray_trace_2d(x, y, boundary_lst)
binary *= np.ones(shape)
return binary
[docs]def get_binary_3d(face_lst: ndarray, N: List[int], scale: List[float], offset: List[float], mnum: float = 1,
close: bool = False) -> ndarray:
Generate a binary representation of a 3D complex geometry on a numpy array.
This is done by setting the array elements corresponding to points inside the geometry to 1 and all other array
elements to 0.
face_lst: List of the vertices and outwards facing normals of the complex geometry's faces.
N: Number of mesh elements in each direction (N+1 nodes).
scale: Extent of the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] cube -> scale=[4,4,4]).
offset: Centers the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] cube -> offset=[2,2,2]).
mnum: Magic number that increases the distance an array element can be from a vertex while still belonging to
that vertex. Increase for higher order interpolants if the generated border has gaps.
close: If True, wraps the binary hole filling in a binary closing. Use if the generated border has gaps.
Array containing a binary representation of the complex geometry.
shape = (int(N[0] + 1), int(N[1] + 1), int(N[2] + 1))
binary = np.zeros(shape)
for i in range(len(face_lst) - 1):
n = face_lst[i, :3]
v1 = face_lst[i, 3:6]
D = np.dot(n, v1)
# !!! MAGIC NUMBER !!!
delta = max(np.array(scale) / np.array(N)) / 2
x_min = np.min(face_lst[i, np.array([3, 6, 9])])
x_max = np.max(face_lst[i, np.array([3, 6, 9])])
y_min = np.min(face_lst[i, np.array([4, 7, 10])])
y_max = np.max(face_lst[i, np.array([4, 7, 10])])
z_min = np.min(face_lst[i, np.array([5, 8, 11])])
z_max = np.max(face_lst[i, np.array([5, 8, 11])])
x_range = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, int(np.ceil((x_max - x_min) / delta)))
y_range = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, int(np.ceil((y_max - y_min) / delta)))
z_range = np.linspace(z_min, z_max, int(np.ceil((z_max - z_min) / delta)))
if len(x_range) == 0:
x_range = np.array([x_min])
if len(y_range) == 0:
y_range = np.array([y_min])
if len(z_range) == 0:
z_range = np.array([z_min])
for x in x_range:
for y in y_range:
for z in z_range:
if (abs(np.dot(np.array([x, y, z]), n) - D) <= mnum * delta):
i = ((x + offset[0]) * N[0] / scale[0]).astype(np.int64)
j = ((y + offset[1]) * N[1] / scale[1]).astype(np.int64)
k = ((z + offset[2]) * N[2] / scale[2]).astype(np.int64)
binary[i, j, k] = 1.0
if close:
binary = spimg.binary_dilation(binary, iterations=1)
binary = spimg.morphology.binary_fill_holes(binary)
binary = spimg.binary_erosion(binary, iterations=1)
binary = spimg.morphology.binary_fill_holes(binary)
return binary
[docs]def get_phi(binary: ndarray, lmbda: float, N: List[int], scale: List[float], offset: List[float], dim: int = 2) \
-> ndarray:
Generate a phase field from a binary representation of a complex geometry.
The phase field diffuses from 1 inside of the complex geometry to 0 outside of the complex geometry.
binary: Array containing binary representation of complex geometry.
lmbda: Measure of the diffuseness of the phase field boundary.
N: Number of mesh elements in each direction (N+1 nodes).
scale: Extent of the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> scale=[4,4]).
offset: Centers the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> offset=[2,2]).
dim: Dimension of the domain (must be 2 or 3).
Array containing the phase field.
if missing_edt:
raise ImportError('edt package not installed, please run `pip install edt`.')
if dim == 2:
kernel = np.ones((3, 3))
elif dim == 3:
kernel = np.ones((3, 3, 3))
raise ValueError('Only works with 2D or 3D meshes.')
# Use the difference between binary and an eroded binary to get the border
# of binary, then get the distance transform relative to that border. The
# distance transform is a Euclidean distance transform that takes into
# account the entire array, not just a local neighbourhood.
erosion = spimg.binary_erosion(binary, kernel, 1).astype(np.float32)
border = 1.0 - (binary - erosion)
border = border.astype(np.float32)
dt = edt.edt(border)
dt *= min(scale) / min(N)
# The phase field should run from -1 to 1, take the value 0 at binary's
# border, and follow the error function's distribution away from binary's
# border (either towards -1 or 1).
phi_in = spec.erf(dt / lmbda) * binary
phi_out = spec.erf(dt / lmbda) * (binary - 1.0)
phi = phi_in + phi_out
# Modify the phase field to run from 0 to 1.
phi = (phi + 1.0) / 2.0
return phi
[docs]def nonconformal_subdomain_2d(boundary_lst: List, vertices: List, N: List[int], scale: List[float], offset: List[float],
lmbda_overlap: Union[float, bool] = False, centroid: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None) \
-> ndarray:
Function to generate a 2D BC mask.
Generate a numpy array that can be used to mask a NGSolve function based on partitioning a mesh's interior domain
into sections that will have different boundary conditions. Only works in 2D.
boundary_lst: List of coordinates of an interior domain's boundary vertices in counterclockwise order.
vertices: The coordinates of the two vertices that denote the section of the interior boundary.
N: Number of mesh elements in each direction (N+1 nodes).
scale: Extent of the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> scale=[4,4]).
offset: Centers the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> offset=[2,2]).
lmbda_overlap: Measure of the diffuseness of the boundary between sections (sharp boundary if False).
centroid: Coordinates of the point to use as the centroid of the split (centroid of domain if None).
Mask of domain.
shape = (int(N[0] + 1), int(N[1] + 1))
if boundary_lst[0] != boundary_lst[-1]:
# Averaging the vertex coordinates is a naive method of finding the
# centroid. However, given that the polygon boundary came from a .stl
# file it can probably be assumed that the boundary points are
# reasonably evenly spaced and the centroid calculation will not be
# overly biased.
if centroid is None:
cx, cy = np.mean(np.array(boundary_lst), axis=0)
cx = int(round((cx + offset[0]) * N[0] / scale[0]))
cy = int(round((cy + offset[1]) * N[1] / scale[1]))
cx, cy = centroid
cx = int(round((cx + offset[0]) * N[0] / scale[0]))
cy = int(round((cy + offset[1]) * N[1] / scale[1]))
# A region defined by three points (two vertices and the centroid)
# contains all points which fall between the two lines defined by each
# point and the centroid. Since the vertices are ordered
# counterclockwise, if a third line is defined between the centroid and
# a point of interest that point only falls between the original two
# lines if the angle between its line and the line of the first vertex
# is smaller than the angle between the original two lines.
x1, y1 = vertices[0]
x2, y2 = vertices[1]
x1 = int(round((x1 + offset[0]) * N[0] / scale[0]))
y1 = int(round((y1 + offset[1]) * N[1] / scale[1]))
x2 = int(round((x2 + offset[0]) * N[0] / scale[0]))
y2 = int(round((y2 + offset[1]) * N[1] / scale[1]))
angle12 = mesh_helpers.angle_between([x1, y1], [cx, cy], [x2, y2])
mask = np.zeros(shape)
for j in range(shape[0]):
for k in range(shape[1]):
angle1p = mesh_helpers.angle_between([x1, y1], [cx, cy], [j, k])
if angle1p < angle12:
mask[j, k] = 1.0
if not lmbda_overlap:
# The different boundary sections diffuse into each other. Each
# boundary section is weighted 0.5 at the border between the two
# sections and diffuses following the error function's
# distribution.
dt_in = spimg.distance_transform_bf(mask, 'chessboard', 1).astype(np.float64)
dt_in /= lmbda_overlap
dt_in[np.where(dt_in != 0.0)] += (0.5 - 1.0 / lmbda_overlap)
mask_in = spec.erf(dt_in)
dt_out = spimg.distance_transform_bf((1.0 - mask), 'chessboard', 1).astype(np.float64)
dt_out /= lmbda_overlap
dt_out[np.where(dt_out != 0.0)] += (0.5 - 1.0 / lmbda_overlap)
mask_out = 1.0 - spec.erf(dt_out)
mask_out[np.where(mask_out == 1.0)] = 0.0
mask = mask_in + mask_out
return mask
[docs]def split_nonconformal_subdomains_2d(boundary_lst: List, vertices: Dict, N: List[int], scale: List[float],
offset: List[float], lmbda_overlap: Union[float, bool] = False,
remainder: bool = False, centroid: Dict = {}) -> Dict[str, ndarray]:
Function to generate all BC masks for a 2D diffuse interface simulation.
Generate a dictionary of numpy arrays that can be used to mask a NGSolve function based on partitioning a mesh's
interior domain into sections that will have different boundary conditions. Only works in 2D.
boundary_lst: List of coordinates of an interior domain's boundary vertices in counterclockwise order.
vertices: Dictionary of coordinates of the vertices that denote the different sections of the interior boundary.
Vertices must be ordered counterclockwise (unit square with different boundary conditions on each side ->
vertices={'bottom': [(0,0), (1,0)], 'right': [(1,0), (1,1)], 'top': [(1,1), (0,1)],
'left': [(0,1), (0,0)]}).
N: Number of mesh elements in each direction (N+1 nodes).
scale: Extent of the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> scale=[4,4]).
offset: Centers the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> offset=[2,2]).
lmbda_overlap: Measure of the diffuseness of the boundary between sections (sharp boundary if False).
remainder: If True a final mask is made from the regions left unmasked by all the previous masks (use if a
particular boundary section has poorly defined end vertices).
centroid: Dictionary of the coordinates of the points to use as the centroids of the splits. The dictionary's
keys should correspond to the boundary condition names like those of vertices.
Dictionary of numpy array masks.
shape = (int(N[0] + 1), int(N[1] + 1))
if not centroid:
centroid = {marker: None for marker in vertices.keys()}
mask_dict = {}
for marker, tmp_vertices in vertices.items():
mask = nonconformal_subdomain_2d(boundary_lst, tmp_vertices, N, scale, offset, lmbda_overlap, centroid[marker])
mask_dict[marker] = mask
if remainder:
mask = np.ones(shape)
for marker, m in mask_dict:
mask -= m
mask *= (mask > 0.0)
mask_dict['remainder'] = mask
return mask_dict
[docs]def nonconformal_subdomain_3d(face_lst: ndarray, vertices: str, N: List[int], scale: List[float], offset: List[float],
lmbda_overlap: Union[float, bool] = False,
centroid: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None) -> ndarray:
Function to generate a 3D BC mask.
Generate a numpy array that can be used to mask a NGSolve function based on partitioning a mesh's interior domain
into sections that will have different boundary conditions. Only works in 3D.
face_lst: List of the vertices and outwards facing normals of the interior domain's faces.
vertices: The path to the .msh or .stl file defining the boundary region of the domain.
N: Number of mesh elements in each direction (N+1 nodes).
scale: Extent of the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] cube -> scale=[4,4,4]).
offset: Centers the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] cube -> offset=[2,2,2]).
lmbda_overlap: Measure of the diffuseness of the boundary between sections (sharp boundary if False).
centroid: Coordinates of the point to use as the centroid of the split (centroid of domain if None).
Mask of domain.
shape = (int(N[0] + 1), int(N[1] + 1), int(N[2] + 1))
# Averaging the vertex coordinates is a naive method of finding the
# centroid. However, given that the polygon boundary came from a .stl
# file it can probably be assumed that the boundary points are
# reasonably evenly spaced and the centroid calculation will not be
# overly biased.
if centroid is None:
full_vertex_lst = [face[i:i + 3] for face in face_lst for i in [0, 3, 6, 9]]
centroid = np.mean(np.array(full_vertex_lst), axis=0)
# Get the boundary edges and vertices of the boundary section.
edge_lst, boundary_lst = mesh_helpers.get_mesh_boundary_3d(vertices)
edge_lst = np.array(edge_lst)
boundary_lst = np.array(boundary_lst)
# Construct a polygon by connecting the boundary edges of the boundary
# section to the conformal mesh's centroid. Any points within this
# polygon (extending the edges to the limits of the nonconformal mesh)
# will be included in this boundary section's mask. All other points
# will be set to zero (assumed to belong to a different boundary
# section).
# Weight the coordinates of the conformal mesh's centroid equally to
# the entire averaged coordinates of the boundary section to keep from
# heavily biasing the polygon's centroid towards the boundary section.
cx_poly = (np.mean(edge_lst[:, [0, 3]]) + centroid[0]) / 2
cy_poly = (np.mean(edge_lst[:, [1, 4]]) + centroid[1]) / 2
cz_poly = (np.mean(edge_lst[:, [2, 5]]) + centroid[2]) / 2
centroid_poly = np.array([cx_poly, cy_poly, cz_poly])
# A point is only inside the polygon if for every triangular face
# comprising the polygon the vector from the point to the face's
# midpoint is in the opposite direction to the face's outwards facing
# surface normal.
mask = np.ones(shape)
for i in range(len(boundary_lst)):
p1 = boundary_lst[i, 0:3]
p2 = boundary_lst[i, 3:6]
midpoint = (p1 + p2 + centroid) / 3.0
n = np.cross(p1 - centroid, p2 - centroid)
n *= (-1) ** (np.dot(midpoint - centroid_poly, n) < 0.0)
for j in range(shape[0]):
for k in range(shape[1]):
for m in range(shape[2]):
# Only consider points not already in mask.
if mask[j, k, m] != 0.0:
p = np.array([j, k, m]) * scale / N - offset
if np.dot(p - midpoint, n) > 0.0:
mask[j, k, m] = 0.0
if not lmbda_overlap:
# The different boundary sections diffuse into each other. Each
# boundary section is weighted 0.5 at the border between the two
# sections and diffuses following the error function's
# distribution.
dt_in = spimg.distance_transform_bf(mask, 'chessboard', 1).astype(np.float64)
dt_in /= lmbda_overlap
dt_in[np.where(dt_in != 0.0)] += (0.5 - 1.0 / lmbda_overlap)
mask_in = spec.erf(dt_in)
dt_out = spimg.distance_transform_bf((1.0 - mask), 'chessboard', 1).astype(np.float64)
dt_out /= lmbda_overlap
dt_out[np.where(dt_out != 0.0)] += (0.5 - 1.0 / lmbda_overlap)
mask_out = 1.0 - spec.erf(dt_out)
mask_out[np.where(mask_out == 1.0)] = 0.0
mask = mask_in + mask_out
return mask
[docs]def split_nonconformal_subdomains_3d(face_lst: List, vertices: Dict[str, str], N: List[int], scale: List[float],
offset: List[float], lmbda_overlap: Union[float, bool] = False,
remainder: bool = False, centroid: Dict = {}) -> Dict[str, ndarray]:
Function to generate all BC masks for a 3D diffuse interface simulation.
Generate a list of numpy arrays that can be used to mask a NGSolve function
based on partitioning a mesh's interior domain into sections that will have
different boundary conditions. Only works in 3D.
face_lst: List of coordinates of an interior domain's boundary vertices in counterclockwise order.
vertices: Dictionary of paths to the .msh or .stl files that denote the different sections of the interior
N: Number of mesh elements in each direction (N+1 nodes).
scale: Extent of the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> scale=[4,4]).
offset: Centers the meshed domain in each direction ([-2,2] square -> offset=[2,2]).
lmbda_overlap: Measure of the diffuseness of the boundary between sections (sharp boundary if False).
remainder: If True a final mask is made from the regions left unmasked by all the previous masks (use if a
particular boundary section has poorly defined end vertices).
centroid: Dictionary of the coordinates of the points to use as the centroids of the splits. The dictionary's
keys should correspond to the boundary condition names like those of vertices.
Dictionary of numpy array masks.
shape = (int(N[0] + 1), int(N[1] + 1), int(N[2] + 1))
if not centroid:
centroid = {marker: None for marker in vertices.keys()}
mask_dict = {}
for marker, tmp_vertices in vertices.items():
assert len(tmp_vertices) == 1
mask = nonconformal_subdomain_3d(face_lst, tmp_vertices[0],
np.array(N), np.array(scale), np.array(offset),
lmbda_overlap, centroid[marker])
mask_dict[marker] = mask
if remainder:
mask = np.ones(shape)
for marker, m in mask_dict.items():
mask -= m
mask *= (mask > 0.0)
mask_dict['remainder'] = mask
return mask_dict