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# This file is part of OpenCMP. #
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import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
import netgen.meshing as ngmsh
from netgen.read_gmsh import ReadGmsh
import os
from typing import List, Any, Tuple
[docs]def index_sublist(lst: List, val: Any) -> int:
Find which sublist of a list contains a given value.
lst: List to search through.
val: Value to check for.
Index of lst corresponding to the sublist of interest.
for i in range(len(lst)):
if val in lst[i]:
return i
raise RuntimeError('lst does not contain val.')
[docs]def angle_between(p1_tmp: List[float], p2_tmp: List[float], p3_tmp: List[float]) -> float:
Calculate the angle formed by p1-p2-p3.
p1_tmp: [x,y] or [x,y,z] coordinate.
p2_tmp: [x,y] or [x,y,z] coordinate.
p3_tmp: [x,y] or [x,y,z] coordinate.
Calculated angle in radians rescaled to [0,2*pi].
p1 = np.array(p1_tmp)
p2 = np.array(p2_tmp)
p3 = np.array(p3_tmp)
v1 = p1 - p2
v2 = p3 - p2
angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v1, v2]), np.dot(v1, v2))
if angle < 0.0:
angle += 2 * np.pi
return angle
[docs]def move_vertex(vertex: List, vertex_lst: List, vertex_coords: List) \
-> Tuple[List, List, int]:
Find vertex pair [A,B] (or [B,A]) containing vertex A and return vertex B of said pair.
vertex: Vertex used to find vertex pair.
vertex_lst: List of vertex pairs.
vertex_coords: List of coordinates corresponding to vertex pairs in vertex_lst.
Tuple[List, List, int]:
- v_prime: Vertex B of vertex pair [A,B] (or [B,A]).
- p_prime: [x,y] or [x,y,z] coordinates of vertex B.
- index: Index of vertex pair [A,B] (or [B,A]) in vertex_lst.
index = index_sublist(vertex_lst, vertex)
if vertex_lst[index][0] == vertex:
v_prime = vertex_lst[index][1]
p_prime = vertex_coords[index][2:]
elif vertex_lst[index][1] == vertex:
v_prime = vertex_lst[index][0]
p_prime = vertex_coords[index][:2]
return v_prime, p_prime, index
[docs]def reorder_vertices_2d(edge_lst: List, vertex_lst: List, vertex_coords: List) -> List:
Rearrange a list of mesh boundary vertices to be in order based on the mesh's boundary edge connectivities.
edge_lst: List of mesh boundary edges.
vertex_lst: List of pairs of mesh boundary vertices corresponding to the mesh's boundary edges.
vertex_coords: List of coordinates corresponding to vertex pairs in vertex_lst.
Ordered list of coordinates of mesh boundary vertices (could be clockwise or counterclockwise order).
hull = []
current_coords = edge_lst.pop(0)
current_vertex, next_vertex = vertex_lst.pop(0)
current_coords, next_coords = vertex_coords.pop(0)
for i in range(len(edge_lst)):
index = index_sublist(vertex_lst, next_vertex)
vertices = vertex_lst.pop(index)
if vertices[0] == next_vertex:
current_vertex, next_vertex = vertices
current_coords, next_coords = vertex_coords.pop(index)
next_vertex, current_vertex = vertices
next_coords, current_coords = vertex_coords.pop(index)
return hull
[docs]def signed_area(points_lst: List) -> float:
Calculate the signed area of a non-intersecting polygon.
points_lst: Ordered list of coordinates of polygon vertices.
Signed area of polygon.
area = 0.0
for i in range(len(points_lst) - 1):
x1, y1 = points_lst[i]
x2, y2 = points_lst[i + 1]
area += (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1)
area /= 2.0
return area
[docs]def order_ccw(points_lst: List) -> List:
Rearrange an ordered list of polygon vertices to be in counterclockwise order.
points_lst: Ordered list of coordinates of polygon vertices (could be in clockwise or counterclockwise order).
points_lst: List of coordinates of polygon vertices in counterclockwise order.
ccw = signed_area(points_lst)
if ccw < 0:
points_lst = points_lst[::-1]
return points_lst
[docs]def orient_2d(p1: List[float], p2: List[float], p3: List[float], eps: float = 1.0e-10) -> str:
Check if a set of three 2D points is collinear, ordered counterclockwise, or ordered clockwise.
p1: [x,y] coordinate.
p2: [x,y] coordinate.
p3: [x,y] coordinate.
eps: Tolerance on whether or not the points are collinear.
Indicates the ordering of the points.
test = (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (p3[0] - p2[0]) - (p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p3[1] - p2[1])
if abs(test) <= eps:
return 'collinear'
elif test > 0.0:
return 'cw'
return 'ccw'
[docs]def orient_3d(p: ndarray, v1: ndarray, v2: ndarray, v3: ndarray, eps: float = 1e-6) -> int:
Determine which side of the plane defined by v1, v2, v3 the point p is on.
This function assumes a point and plane in 3D space.
p: [x,y,z] coordinate.
v1: [x,y,z] coordinate of one of the plane's vertices.
v2: [x,y,z] coordinate of one of the plane's vertices.
v3: [x,y,z] coordinate of one of the plane's vertices.
eps: Tolerance for adding small perturbations to the plane's vertices if p is degenerate with an edge or vertex
of the plane.
Denotes which side of the plane p is on.
cross_prod = np.cross(v1 - p, v2 - p)
dot_prod = np.dot(cross_prod, v3 - p)
volume = np.sign(dot_prod)
return volume
[docs]def calc_barycentric(p: ndarray, v1: ndarray, v2: ndarray, v3: ndarray) -> bool:
Use barycentric coordinates to determine if point p, which lies on the plane with normal n, also lies within the
triangle v1-v2-v3.
p: [x,y,z] coordinate.
v1: [x,y,z] coordinate of one of the triangle's vertices.
v2: [x,y,z] coordinate of one of the triangle's vertices.
v3: [x,y,z] coordinate of one of the triangle's vertices.
True if p lies in the triangle, otherwise False.
n = np.cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1)
alpha = np.dot(n, np.cross(v3 - v2, p - v2)) / np.dot(n, n)
beta = np.dot(n, np.cross(v1 - v3, p - v3)) / np.dot(n, n)
gamma = np.dot(n, np.cross(v2 - v1, p - v1)) / np.dot(n, n)
return (alpha >= 0.0) and (alpha <= 1.0) and (beta >= 0.0) and (beta <= 1.0) and (gamma >= 0.0) and (gamma <= 1.0)
[docs]def calc_unit_normal(v1: ndarray, v2: ndarray, v3: ndarray) -> ndarray:
Calculates the unit normal of the triangle v1-v2-v3.
v1: [x,y,z] coordinate of one of the triangle's vertices.
v2: [x,y,z] coordinate of one of the triangle's vertices.
v3: [x,y,z] coordinate of one of the triangle's vertices.
Unit normal vector.
n = np.cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1)
n /= np.sqrt(np.dot(n, n))
return n
[docs]def ray_trace_2d(x: float, y: float, polygon: List) -> bool:
Determine if the given 2D point is located inside the given polygon using the ray-tracing point-in-polygon
Extend a ray from the point along the positive x-axis to infinity and count the number of times the ray intersects
the polygon. The point is located inside the polygon if there are an odd number of intersections.
x: x-coordinate of point.
y: y-coordinate of point.
polygon: List of coordinates of polygon vertices in counterclockwise order.
Whether the point is inside the polygon.
n = len(polygon)
inside = False
p2x = 0.0
p2y = 0.0
xints = 0.0
p1x, p1y = polygon[0]
for i in range(n + 1):
p2x, p2y = polygon[i % n]
if y > min(p1y, p2y):
if y <= max(p1y, p2y):
if x <= max(p1x, p2x):
if p1y != p2y:
xints = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x
if p1x == p2x or x <= xints:
inside = not inside
p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y
return inside
[docs]def get_new_bounds(bounds_lst: List, N: List[int], scale: List[float], offset: List[float]) \
-> Tuple[List[int], List[float], List[float]]:
If a .stl file's boundaries exceed the bounds of the nonconformal mesh, find new bounds for generating the phase
fields and masks.
bounds_lst: List containing lists of the min/max values in each direction (x,y or x,y,z).
N: Number of mesh elements in each direction (N+1 nodes).
scale: Extent of the meshed domain in each direction.
offset: Centers the meshed domain in each direction.
Tuple[List[int], List[float], List[float]]:
- tmp_N: Number of mesh elements to use when constructing the phase fields (preserves original dx).
- tmp_scale: Scale to use when constructing the phase fields.
- tmp_offset: Offset to use when constructing the phase fields.
for i in range(len(bounds_lst)):
# Pad the bounds a bit so the boundary-mapping algorithm doesn't fail.
bound_scale = bounds_lst[i][1] - bounds_lst[i][0]
bounds_lst[i][0] -= 0.25 * bound_scale
bounds_lst[i][1] += 0.25 * bound_scale
# Get the new scale and offset.
tmp_scale = [bound[1] - bound[0] for bound in bounds_lst]
tmp_offset = [-bound[0] for bound in bounds_lst]
# Get a new N that keeps the same mesh spacing.
tmp_N = [int(tmp_scale[i] * N[i] / scale[i]) for i in range(len(N))]
return tmp_N, tmp_scale, tmp_offset
[docs]def crop_to_mesh_bounds(arr: ndarray, N: List[int], scale: List[float], offset: List[float], tmp_N: List[int],
tmp_scale: List[float], tmp_offset: List[float]) -> ndarray:
Take an array that exceeds the nonconformal mesh's boundary and crop it so it fits within an array defined over the
nonconformal mesh.
arr: The numpy array to crop.
N: Number of mesh elements in each direction (N+1 nodes).
scale: Extent of the meshed domain in each direction.
offset: Centers the meshed domain in each direction.
tmp_N: Number of mesh elements used when constructing the phase fields (preserves original dx).
tmp_scale: Scale used when constructing the phase fields.
tmp_offset: Offset used when constructing the phase fields.
Numpy array covering only the bounds of the mesh and containing portions of arr.
shape = tuple([n+1 for n in N])
fitted_arr = np.zeros(shape)
# Determine the intersections of arr and fitted_arr along each direction.
intersection_lst = [[max(-offset[i], -tmp_offset[i]), min(scale[i] - offset[i], tmp_scale[i] - tmp_offset[i])] for i in range(len(scale))]
# Determine the arr indices corresponding to these intersections.
arr_indices = []
fitted_arr_indices = []
for i in range(len(intersection_lst)):
x = -offset[0] + scale[0] * i / N[0]
min_fitted_arr_index = int((intersection_lst[i][0] + offset[i]) * N[i] / scale[i])
max_fitted_arr_index = int((intersection_lst[i][1] + offset[i]) * N[i] / scale[i])
min_arr_index = int((intersection_lst[i][0] + tmp_offset[i]) * tmp_N[i] / tmp_scale[i])
max_arr_index = int((intersection_lst[i][1] + tmp_offset[i]) * tmp_N[i] / tmp_scale[i])
# Confirm that the same number of elements are covered for both arrays.
fitted_arr_delta = max_fitted_arr_index - min_fitted_arr_index
arr_delta = max_arr_index - min_arr_index
if fitted_arr_delta > arr_delta:
max_fitted_arr_index = min_fitted_arr_index + arr_delta
elif fitted_arr_delta < arr_delta:
max_arr_index = min_arr_index + fitted_arr_delta
arr_indices.append([min_arr_index, max_arr_index])
fitted_arr_indices.append([min_fitted_arr_index, max_fitted_arr_index])
# Replace sections of fitted_arr with sections of arr.
if len(N) == 2:
fitted_arr_indices[1][0]:fitted_arr_indices[1][1]+1] \
= arr[arr_indices[0][0]:arr_indices[0][1]+1, arr_indices[1][0]:arr_indices[1][1]+1]
elif len(N) == 3:
fitted_arr_indices[2][0]:fitted_arr_indices[2][1]+1] \
= arr[arr_indices[0][0]:arr_indices[0][1]+1, arr_indices[1][0]:arr_indices[1][1]+1,
return fitted_arr
[docs]def get_stl_faces(filename: str) -> Tuple[ndarray, List]:
Compile the face vertices and outwards facing normals of a mesh defined in a .stl file into a list.
The mesh will typically be a boundary mesh so face_lst can be used by ray_trace_3d.
filename: Path to the .stl file.
Tuple[ndarray, List]:
- face_lst: Numpy array listing out the vertices and outwards facing normals of the mesh's faces.
- bounds_lst: List of lists of min and max values of the .stl file boundary vertices in each direction.
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise FileNotFoundError('The given .stl file does not exist.')
if filename[-4:] != '.stl':
raise TypeError('Expecting a .stl file.')
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
data = f.readlines()
if 'solid' in data[0]:
del data[0]
if 'endsolid' in data[-1]:
del data[-1]
data_lst = []
for line in data:
if line.strip() and (('facet' in line) or ('vertex' in line) or ('loop' in line)):
face_lst = np.empty((len(data_lst) // 7, 12))
x_bounds: List = []
y_bounds: List = []
z_bounds: List = []
for i in range(0, len(data_lst), 7):
# Assumes that the .stl file was generated from a mesh with all
# outwards facing surface normals.
n = np.array([float(num) for num in data_lst[i].split()[2:5]]) * (-1.0)
v1 = np.array([float(num) for num in data_lst[i + 2].split()[1:4]])
v2 = np.array([float(num) for num in data_lst[i + 3].split()[1:4]])
v3 = np.array([float(num) for num in data_lst[i + 4].split()[1:4]])
face_lst[i // 7, :3] = n
face_lst[i // 7, 3:6] = v1
face_lst[i // 7, 6:9] = v2
face_lst[i // 7, 9:] = v3
# Check for new min/max x-value.
tmp_min_x = min(v1[0], min(v2[0], v3[0]))
tmp_max_x = max(v1[0], max(v2[0], v3[0]))
if not x_bounds:
x_bounds = [tmp_min_x, tmp_max_x]
if tmp_min_x < x_bounds[0]:
x_bounds[0] = tmp_min_x
elif tmp_max_x > x_bounds[1]:
x_bounds[1] = tmp_max_x
# Check for new min/max y-value.
tmp_min_y = min(v1[1], min(v2[1], v3[1]))
tmp_max_y = max(v1[1], max(v2[1], v3[1]))
if not y_bounds:
y_bounds = [tmp_min_y, tmp_max_y]
if tmp_min_y < y_bounds[0]:
y_bounds[0] = tmp_min_y
elif tmp_max_y > y_bounds[1]:
y_bounds[1] = tmp_max_y
# Check for new min/max z-value.
tmp_min_z = min(v1[2], min(v2[2], v3[2]))
tmp_max_z = max(v1[2], max(v2[2], v3[2]))
if not z_bounds:
z_bounds = [tmp_min_z, tmp_max_z]
if tmp_min_z < z_bounds[0]:
z_bounds[0] = tmp_min_z
elif tmp_max_z > z_bounds[1]:
z_bounds[1] = tmp_max_z
return face_lst, [x_bounds, y_bounds, z_bounds]
[docs]def get_mesh_boundary_2d(filename: str) -> Tuple[List, List]:
Get the ordered boundary vertices of a 2D .stl file.
filename: Path to .stl file.
Tuple[List, List]:
- boundary_lst: List of coordinates of .stl file boundary vertices in counterclockwise order.
- bounds_lst: List of lists of min and max values of the .stl file boundary vertices in each direction.
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise FileNotFoundError('The given .stl file does not exist.')
if filename[-4:] != '.stl':
raise TypeError('Expecting a .stl file.')
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
data = f.readlines()
data_lst = []
x_bounds: List = []
y_bounds: List = []
for line in data:
if line.strip() and ('vertex' in line):
v = tuple([float(num) for num in line.split()[1:3]])
# Check for new min/max x-value.
if not x_bounds:
x_bounds = [v[0], v[0]]
if v[0] < x_bounds[0]:
x_bounds[0] = v[0]
elif v[0] > x_bounds[1]:
x_bounds[1] = v[0]
# Check for new min/max y-value.
if not y_bounds:
y_bounds = [v[1], v[1]]
if v[1] < y_bounds[0]:
y_bounds[0] = v[1]
elif v[1] > y_bounds[1]:
y_bounds[1] = v[1]
all_v_pairs = []
for i in range(0, len(data_lst), 3):
v1 = tuple(data_lst[i])
v2 = tuple(data_lst[i + 1])
v3 = tuple(data_lst[i + 2])
# Need to use sets so that [A,B] and [B,A] are treated as the same
# vertex pair.
all_v_pairs.append(set([v1, v2]))
all_v_pairs.append(set([v2, v3]))
all_v_pairs.append(set([v1, v3]))
vertex_coords = []
vertex_lst = []
edge_lst = []
idx = 0
for item in all_v_pairs:
if all_v_pairs.count(item) == 1:
v1, v2 = item
v1_num = data_lst.index(v1)
v2_num = data_lst.index(v2)
vertex_coords.append([v1, v2])
vertex_lst.append([v1_num, v2_num])
idx += 1
boundary_lst = reorder_vertices_2d(edge_lst, vertex_lst, vertex_coords)
boundary_lst = order_ccw(boundary_lst)
return boundary_lst, [x_bounds, y_bounds]
[docs]def get_mesh_boundary_3d(filename: str) -> Tuple[List, List]:
Get the edges and boundary edges of a 3D .msh or .stl file.
This function should only be used for surface meshes since the boundary edges are considered to be edges with only
one face. Volume meshes do not have such boundary edges. NOTE: Using a .msh file does not always give a
comprehensive edge_lst since for some unknown reason ngmesh.Elements1D() does not always give all of the edges in
the mesh. This is not necessarily a problem if edge_lst is only being used to produce BC masks (but always check!).
However, using a .stl file should always give the full boundary_lst and edge_lst.
filename: Path to .msh or .stl file.
Tuple[List, List]:
- edge_lst: List of coordinates of edge vertices.
- boundary_lst: List of coordinates of boundary edge vertices.
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise FileNotFoundError('The given mesh file does not exist.')
if filename[-4:] == '.msh':
ngmesh = ReadGmsh(filename)
data_lst = []
for face in ngmesh.Elements2D():
all_v_pairs = []
for item in data_lst:
v1_num, v2_num, v3_num = item
all_v_pairs.append(set([v1_num, v2_num]))
all_v_pairs.append(set([v2_num, v3_num]))
all_v_pairs.append(set([v1_num, v3_num]))
boundary_lst = []
for item in all_v_pairs:
v1_num, v2_num = item
v1 = list(ngmesh[v1_num])
v2 = list(ngmesh[v2_num])
if all_v_pairs.count(item) == 1:
boundary_lst.append(v1 + v2)
edge_lst = []
for edge in ngmesh.Elements1D():
v1_num, v2_num = edge.vertices
v1 = list(ngmesh[v1_num])
v2 = list(ngmesh[v2_num])
edge_lst.append(v1 + v2)
elif filename[-4:] == '.stl':
face_lst = get_stl_faces(filename)
all_v_pairs = []
for item in face_lst:
v1_tup = (item[3], item[4], item[5])
v2_tup = (item[6], item[7], item[8])
v3_tup = (item[9], item[10], item[11])
all_v_pairs.append(set([v1_tup, v2_tup]))
all_v_pairs.append(set([v2_tup, v3_tup]))
all_v_pairs.append(set([v1_tup, v3_tup]))
# all_v_pairs contains a separate instance of each edge for each face
# that contains it. edge_lst should only contain one instance of each
# edge and boundary_lst should only contain one instance of each
# boundary edge.
boundary_lst = []
edge_lst = []
for item in all_v_pairs:
v1, v2 = item
new_item = list(v1) + list(v2)
if all_v_pairs.count(item) == 1:
elif new_item in edge_lst:
raise TypeError('Expecting a .msh file or a .stl file.')
return edge_lst, boundary_lst
[docs]def get_mesh_edges_vertices_3d(filename: str) -> Tuple[ndarray, List, List, List]:
Get the edges and vertices of a 3D .stl file.
This is a helper function for calculating mesh quality metrics.
filename: Path to the .stl file.
Tuple[List, List, List, List]:
- face_lst: List of the vertices and outwards facing normals of the mesh's faces.
- edge_lst: List of coordinates of edge vertices.
- v_lst: List of coordinates of vertices.
- v_con_lst: List containing each vertex and an ordered list of its neighbouring vertices (coordinate form).
face_lst = get_stl_faces(filename)
all_v_pairs = []
v_set = set()
for item in face_lst:
v1 = (item[3], item[4], item[5])
v2 = (item[6], item[7], item[8])
v3 = (item[9], item[10], item[11])
all_v_pairs.append(set([v1, v2]))
all_v_pairs.append(set([v2, v3]))
all_v_pairs.append(set([v1, v3]))
v_lst = list(v_set)
edge_lst = []
for item in all_v_pairs:
if item in edge_lst:
edge_lst = [list(item) for item in edge_lst]
v_con_lst = []
for v in v_lst:
con_lst = []
for item in edge_lst:
v1, v2 = item
if v1 == v:
elif v2 == v:
con_lst_prime = [con_lst.pop(0)]
for i in range(len(con_lst)):
for con in con_lst:
if set([con_lst_prime[-1], con]) in edge_lst:
v_con_lst.append([v, con_lst_prime])
return face_lst, edge_lst, v_lst, v_con_lst