# Copyright 2021 the authors (see AUTHORS file for full list). #
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# This file is part of OpenCMP. #
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# OpenCMP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public #
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any #
# later version. #
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# OpenCMP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied #
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OpenCMP. If not, see #
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from ..config_functions import ConfigParser
from ngsolve import GridFunction, Mesh, Parameter, VTKOutput, H1
from ..models import get_model_class, Model
from pathlib import Path
from os import remove
from typing import Optional, Union
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
[docs]class PhaseFieldModelMimic:
Helper class that mimics the attributes of the Model class that are used during saving and post-processing in order
to be able to post-process saved phase field .sol files to .vtu.
def __init__(self, model_to_copy: Model) -> None:
model_to_copy: The model for the general simulation. Needed in order to know the config parameter values.
self.interp_ord = model_to_copy.interp_ord
self.save_names = ['phi']
self.mesh = model_to_copy.mesh
self.fes = H1(self.mesh, order=self.interp_ord)
[docs] def construct_gfu(self) -> GridFunction:
""" Function to construct a phase field gridfunction. """
return GridFunction(self.fes)
[docs]def sol_to_vtu(config: ConfigParser, output_dir_path: str, model: Optional[Union[Model, PhaseFieldModelMimic]] = None,
delete_sol_file: bool = False, allow_all_threads: bool = False) -> None:
Function to take the output .sol files and convert them into .vtu for visualization.
config: The loaded config parser used by the model
output_dir_path: The path to the folder in which the .sol files are, and where the .vtu files will be saved.
model: The model that generated the .sol files.
delete_sol_file: Bool to indicate if to delete the original .sol files after converting to .vtu,
Default is False.
allow_all_threads: Bool to indicate if to use all available threads (if there are enough files),
Default is False.
# Being run outside of run.py, so have to create model
if model is None:
# Load model
model_name = config.get_item(['OTHER', 'model'], str)
model_class = get_model_class(model_name)
model = model_class(config, [Parameter(0.0)])
# Number of subdivisions per element
subdivision = config.get_item(['VISUALIZATION', 'subdivision'], int)
# NOTE: -1 is the value used whenever an int default is needed.
if subdivision == -1:
subdivision = model.interp_ord
# Generate a list of all .sol files
sol_path_generator = Path(output_dir_path+'sol/').rglob('*.sol')
sol_path_list = [str(sol_path) for sol_path in sol_path_generator]
# Number of files to convert
n_files = len(sol_path_list)
# Figure out the maximum number of threads at our disposal
if allow_all_threads:
# Number of threads on the machine that we have access to
num_threads = cpu_count()
# Number of threads to use as specified in the config file
num_threads = config.get_item(['OTHER', 'num_threads'], int)
# Number of threads to use
# NOTE: No point of starting more threads than files, and also lets us depend on modulo math later.
n_threads = min(n_files, num_threads)
# Create gridfunctions, one per thread
gfus = [model.construct_gfu() for _ in range(n_threads)]
# Create a list to contain the .pvd entries
output_list = ['' for _ in range(n_files)]
# NOTE: We HAVE to use Pool, and not ThreadPool. ThreadPool causes seg faults on the VTKOutput call.
with Pool(processes=n_threads) as pool:
# Create the pool and start it. It will automatically take and run the next entry when it needs it
a = [
pool.apply_async(_sol_to_vtu, (gfus[i % n_threads], sol_path_list[i], output_dir_path,
model.save_names, delete_sol_file, subdivision, model.mesh)
) for i in range(n_files)
# Iterate through each thread and get it's result when it's done
for i in range(len(a)):
# Grab the result string and insert it in the correct place in the output list
output_list[i] = a[i].get()
# Add the header and footer
output_list.insert(0, '<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<VTKFile type=\"Collection\" version=\"0.1\"\n' +
# Write each line to the file
with open(output_dir_path + 'transient.pvd', 'a+') as file:
for line in output_list:
[docs]def _sol_to_vtu(gfu: GridFunction, sol_path_str: str, output_dir_path: str,
save_names: str, delete_sol_file: bool, subdivision: int, mesh: Mesh) -> str:
Function that gets parallelized and does the actual sol-to-vtu conversion.
gfu: The grid function into which to load the .sol file
sol_path_str: The path to the solve file to load
output_dir_path: The path to the directory to save the .vtu into
save_names: The names of the variables to save
delete_sol_file: Whether or not to delete the sol file after
subdivision: Number of subdivisions on each mesh element
mesh: The mesh on which the gfu was solved.
A string containing the entry for the .pvd file for this .vtu file.
# Get the timestep for this .sol file from its name
sol_name = sol_path_str.split('/')[-1][:-4]
time_str = sol_name.split('_')[-1]
# Name for the .vtu
filename = output_dir_path + 'vtu/' + sol_name
# Load data into gfu
# Convert gfu components into form needed for VTKOutput
if len(gfu.components) > 0:
coefs = [component for component in gfu.components]
coefs = [gfu]
# Write to .vtu
VTKOutput(ma=mesh, coefs=coefs, names=save_names,
filename=filename, subdivision=subdivision).Do()
# Check that the file was created
if not Path(filename + '.vtu').exists():
raise FileNotFoundError('Neither .vtk nor .vtu files are being generated. Something is wrong with _sol_to_vtu.')
# Delete .sol
if delete_sol_file:
# Write timestep in .pvd
return '<DataSet timestep=\"%e\" group=\"\" part=\"0\" file=\"%s\"/>\n'\
% (float(time_str), 'vtu/' + filename.split('/')[-1] + '.vtu')