Source code for opencmp.models.ins

# Copyright 2021 the authors (see AUTHORS file for full list).                                                         #
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# This file is part of OpenCMP.                                                                                        #
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# OpenCMP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public  #
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import ngsolve
from ..helpers.ngsolve_ import get_special_functions
from ..helpers.dg import avg, jump, grad_avg
from . import Model
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
from ngsolve.comp import ProxyFunction
from ngsolve import Grad, HDiv, IfPos, InnerProduct, Norm, OuterProduct, Parameter, GridFunction, FESpace, BilinearForm, \
    LinearForm, \
    Preconditioner, div, dx
from ..helpers.error import norm, mean

[docs]class INS(Model): """ A single phase incompressible Navier-Stokes model. """ def _pre_init(self) -> None: # Nothing needs to be done pass def _post_init(self) -> None: # Load the solver parameters. self.linearize = self.config.get_item(['SOLVER', 'linearization_method'], str) if self.linearize not in ['Oseen', 'IMEX']: raise TypeError('Don\'t recognize the linearization method.') if self.linearize == 'Oseen': nonlinear_tolerance = self.config.get_dict(['SOLVER', 'nonlinear_tolerance'], self.run_dir, None) self.abs_nonlinear_tolerance = nonlinear_tolerance['absolute'] self.rel_nonlinear_tolerance = nonlinear_tolerance['relative'] self.nonlinear_max_iters = self.config.get_item(['SOLVER', 'nonlinear_max_iterations'], int) if self.nonlinear_max_iters < 1: raise ValueError('Nonlinear solve must involve at least one iteration. Set nonlinear_max_iterations to ' 'at least 1.') self.W = self._construct_linearization_terms() def _define_model_components(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[int]]: return {'u': 0, 'p': 1} def _define_model_local_error_components(self) -> Dict[str, bool]: return {'u': True, 'p': False} def _define_time_derivative_components(self) -> List[Dict[str, bool]]: return [ {'u': True, 'p': False} ] def _define_num_weak_forms(self) -> int: return 1 def _define_bc_types(self) -> List[str]: return ['dirichlet', 'stress', 'parallel', 'pinned']
[docs] @staticmethod def allows_explicit_schemes() -> bool: # INS cannot work with explicit schemes return False
def _set_model_parameters(self) -> None: self.kv = self.model_functions.model_parameters_dict['kinematic_viscosity']['all'] self.f = self.model_functions.model_functions_dict['source'] def _construct_fes(self) -> FESpace: return FESpace(self._contruct_fes_helper(), dgjumps=self.DG)
[docs] def _contruct_fes_helper(self) -> List[FESpace]: """ Helper function for creating the FESpace. This function exists in order to allow multicomponent_ins (and any further additions) to simplify their FES creation by being able to use this helper function to create the finite element space for velocity and pressure. Return: A list containing individual finite element spaces """ if not self.DG: if self.element['u'] == 'HDiv' or self.element['u'] == 'RT': print('We recommended that you NOT use HDIV spaces without DG due to numerical issues.') if self.element['p'] == 'L2': print('We recommended that you NOT use L2 spaces without DG due to numerical issues.') if self.element['u'] == 'RT': # Raviart-Thomas elements are a type of HDiv finite element. fes_u = HDiv(self.mesh, order=self.interp_ord, dirichlet=self.dirichlet_names.get('u', ''), dgjumps=self.DG, RT=True) else: fes_u = getattr(ngsolve, self.element['u'])(self.mesh, order=self.interp_ord, dirichlet=self.dirichlet_names.get('u', ''), dgjumps=self.DG) if self.element['p'] == 'L2' and 'p' in self.dirichlet_names: raise ValueError('Not able to pin pressure at a point on L2 spaces.') else: fes_p = getattr(ngsolve, self.element['p'])(self.mesh, order=self.interp_ord - 1, dirichlet=self.dirichlet_names.get('p', ''), dgjumps=self.DG) return [fes_u, fes_p]
def _construct_linearization_terms(self) -> Optional[List[GridFunction]]: tmp = GridFunction(self.fes.components[0]) = self.IC.components[0].vec return [tmp]
[docs] def _get_wind(self, gfu: Union[List[ProxyFunction], List[GridFunction]], time_step: int) -> Optional[ProxyFunction]: """ Function to obtain the wind term used to linearize the convection term. Args: gfu: List of time_step: What time step values to use for ex: boundary conditions. The value corresponds to the index of the time step in t_param and dt_param. Returns: The wind/linearization term used for linearizing the convection term. """ if self.linearize == 'Oseen': # gfu = None: intermediary step from adaptive_three_step requires w from W when time_step > 0 if time_step > 0 and gfu is not None: # Using known values from a previous time step, so no need to iteratively solve for a wind. w = gfu[self.model_components['u']] else: w = self.W[self.model_components['u']] elif self.linearize == 'IMEX': w = None else: raise ValueError('Linearization scheme \"{}\" is not implemented.'.format(self.linearize)) return w
[docs] def update_linearization_terms(self, gfu: GridFunction) -> None: if self.linearize == 'Oseen': # Update the velocity linearization term. try: # First try just updating the value of the term. self.W[self.model_components['u']] = gfu.components[self.model_components['u']].vec except: # In some cases the finite element space of the model will have changed, so the linearization term needs # to be completely reconstructed. # E.g. during convergence testing. self.W = self._construct_linearization_terms() else: # Do nothing, no linearization term to update. pass
[docs] def construct_bilinear_time_ODE(self, U: Union[List[ProxyFunction], List[GridFunction]], V: List[ProxyFunction], dt: Parameter = Parameter(1.0), time_step: int = 0) -> List[BilinearForm]: w = self._get_wind(U, time_step) # Define the special DG functions n, _, alpha, I_mat = get_special_functions(self.mesh, # Separate out the trial and test function for velocity u = U[self.model_components['u']] v = V[self.model_components['u']] # Domain integrals. Newtonian Stress a = dt * (self.kv[time_step] * InnerProduct(Grad(u), Grad(v))) * dx if self.linearize == 'Oseen': # Linearized convection term. a += -dt * InnerProduct(OuterProduct(u, w), Grad(v)) * dx if self.DG: # Penalty for dirichlet BCs if self.dirichlet_names.get('u', None) is not None: a += dt * ( self.kv[time_step] * alpha * u * v # 1/2 of penalty term for u=g on 𝚪_D from ∇u^ - self.kv[time_step] * InnerProduct(Grad(u), OuterProduct(v, n)) # ∇u^ = ∇u - self.kv[time_step] * InnerProduct(Grad(v), OuterProduct(u, n)) # 1/2 of penalty for u=g on 𝚪_D ) * self._ds(self.dirichlet_names['u']) if self.linearize == 'Oseen': # Additional 1/2 of uw^ (convection term) a += dt * v * (0.5 * w * n * u + 0.5 * Norm(w * n) * u) * self._ds(self.dirichlet_names['u']) if self.linearize == 'Oseen': # Stress needs a no-backflow component in the bilinear form. for marker in self.BC.get('stress', {}).get('stress', {}): if self.DG: a += dt * v * (IfPos(w * n, w * n, 0.0) * u) * self._ds(marker) else: a += dt * v.Trace() * (IfPos(w * n, w * n, 0.0) * u.Trace()) * self._ds(marker) # Parallel Flow BC for marker in self.BC.get('parallel', {}).get('parallel', {}): if self.DG: a += dt * v * (u - n * InnerProduct(u, n)) * self._ds(marker) else: a += dt * v.Trace() * (u.Trace() - n * InnerProduct(u.Trace(), n)) * self._ds(marker) return [a]
[docs] def construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(self, U: List[ProxyFunction], V: List[ProxyFunction], dt: Parameter, time_step: int) -> List[BilinearForm]: w = self._get_wind(U, time_step) # Define the special DG functions. n, _, alpha, I_mat = get_special_functions(self.mesh, # Separate out the trial and test functions for velocity and pressure. u, p = U[self.model_components['u']], U[self.model_components['p']] v, q = V[self.model_components['u']], V[self.model_components['p']] # Domain integrals. a = dt * ( - div(u) * q # Conservation of mass - div(v) * p # Pressure - 1e-10 * p * q # Stabilization term ) * dx if self.DG: avg_u = avg(u) jump_u = jump(u) avg_grad_u = grad_avg(u) jump_v = jump(v) avg_grad_v = grad_avg(v) # Penalty for discontinuities a += dt * ( self.kv[time_step] * alpha * InnerProduct(jump_u, jump_v) # Penalty term for u+=u- on 𝚪_I from ∇u^ - self.kv[time_step] * InnerProduct(avg_grad_u, OuterProduct(jump_v, n)) # Stress - self.kv[time_step] * InnerProduct(avg_grad_v, OuterProduct(jump_u, n)) # U ) * dx(skeleton=True) if self.linearize == 'Oseen': # Additional penalty for the convection term. a += dt * jump_v * (w * n * avg_u + 0.5 * Norm(w * n) * jump_u) * dx(skeleton=True) return [a]
[docs] def construct_linear(self, V: List[ProxyFunction], gfu_0: Optional[List[GridFunction]], dt: Parameter, time_step: int) -> List[LinearForm]: w = self._get_wind(gfu_0, time_step) # Define the special DG functions. n, h, alpha, I_mat = get_special_functions(self.mesh, # Separate out the test function for velocity. v = V[self.model_components['u']] # Domain integrals. L = dt * v * self.f['u'][time_step] * dx # Dirichlet BC for u if self.DG: for marker in self.BC.get('dirichlet', {}).get('u', {}): g = self.BC['dirichlet']['u'][marker][time_step] L += dt * ( self.kv[time_step] * alpha * g * v # 1/2 of penalty for u=g from ∇u^ on 𝚪_D - self.kv[time_step] * InnerProduct(Grad(v), OuterProduct(g, n)) # 1/2 of penalty for u=g ) * self._ds(marker) if self.linearize == 'Oseen': # Additional 1/2 of uw^ (convection) L += dt * v * (-0.5 * w * n * g + 0.5 * Norm(w * n) * g) * self._ds(marker) # Stress BC for marker in self.BC.get('stress', {}).get('stress', {}): h = self.BC['stress']['stress'][marker][time_step] if self.DG: L += dt * v * h * self._ds(marker) else: L += dt * v.Trace() * h * self._ds(marker) return [L]
[docs] def construct_imex_explicit(self, V: List[ProxyFunction], gfu_0: Optional[List[GridFunction]], dt: Parameter, time_step: int) -> List[LinearForm]: # Separate out the test function for velocity. v = V[self.model_components['u']] # Velocity linearization term gfu_u = gfu_0[self.model_components['u']] # Linearized convection term. L = -dt * InnerProduct(Grad(gfu_u) * gfu_u, v) * dx return [L]
[docs] def solve_single_step(self, a_lst: List[BilinearForm], L_lst: List[LinearForm], precond_lst: List[Preconditioner], gfu: GridFunction, time_step: int = 0) -> None: if self.linearize == 'Oseen': # The component index representing velocity component = self.fes.components[self.model_components['u']] comp_index = self.model_components['u'] # Number of linear iterations for this timestep num_iteration = 1 # Boolean used to keep the while loop going done_iterating = False while not done_iterating: self.apply_dirichlet_bcs_to(gfu, time_step=time_step) a_lst[0].Assemble() L_lst[0].Assemble() if precond_lst[0] is not None: precond_lst[0].Update() self.construct_and_run_solver(a_lst[0], L_lst[0], precond_lst[0], gfu) err = norm("l2_norm", self.W[comp_index], gfu.components[comp_index], self.mesh, component, average=False) gfu_norm = mean(gfu.components[comp_index], self.mesh) num_iteration += 1 if self.verbose > 0: print(num_iteration, err) self.W[comp_index] = gfu.components[comp_index].vec done_iterating = (err < self.abs_nonlinear_tolerance + self.rel_nonlinear_tolerance * gfu_norm) or (num_iteration > self.nonlinear_max_iters) elif self.linearize == 'IMEX': self.construct_and_run_solver(a_lst[0], L_lst[0], precond_lst[0], gfu) else: raise ValueError('Linearization scheme \"{}\" is not implemented.'.format(self.linearize))
[docs] def solve_stationary_iteration(self, a_lst: List[BilinearForm], L_lst: List[LinearForm], precond_lst: List[Preconditioner], gfu: GridFunction) -> None: if self.linearize == 'Oseen': # The component index representing velocity component = self.fes.components[self.model_components['u']] comp_index = self.model_components['u'] self.apply_dirichlet_bcs_to(gfu, time_step=time_step) a_lst[0].Assemble() L_lst[0].Assemble() if precond_lst[0] is not None: precond_lst[0].Update() # solver linearized model self.construct_and_run_solver(a_lst[0], L_lst[0], precond_lst[0], gfu) # calculate error and norm of solution err = norm("l2_norm", self.W[comp_index], gfu.components[comp_index], self.mesh, component, average=False) gfu_norm = mean(gfu.components[comp_index], self.mesh) self.W[comp_index] = gfu.components[comp_index].vec return(err, gfu_norm) elif self.linearize == 'IMEX': raise ValueError('Linearization scheme \"{}\" is appropriate for stationary solve.'.format(self.linearize)) else: raise ValueError('Linearization scheme \"{}\" is not implemented.'.format(self.linearize))
[docs] def accept_stationary_solution(self, gfu: GridFunction): # The component index representing velocity component = self.fes.components[self.model_components['u']] comp_index = self.model_components['u'] self.W[comp_index] = gfu.components[comp_index].vec