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# This file is part of OpenCMP. #
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import ngsolve as ngs
from ..helpers.ngsolve_ import get_special_functions
from ..helpers.dg import jump, grad_avg
from . import Model
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Optional
from ngsolve.comp import FESpace, ProxyFunction
from ngsolve import Parameter, GridFunction, BilinearForm, LinearForm, Preconditioner
[docs]class Poisson(Model):
A poisson model.
def _pre_init(self) -> None:
# Nothing needs to be done
def _post_init(self) -> None:
# Nothing needs to be done
def _define_model_components(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[int]]:
return {'u': 0}
def _define_model_local_error_components(self) -> Dict[str, bool]:
return {'u': True}
def _define_time_derivative_components(self) -> List[Dict[str, bool]]:
return [{'u': True}]
def _define_num_weak_forms(self) -> int:
return 1
def _define_bc_types(self) -> List[str]:
return ['robin', 'dirichlet', 'neumann']
[docs] @staticmethod
def allows_explicit_schemes() -> bool:
return True
def _construct_fes(self) -> FESpace:
fes = getattr(ngs, self.element['u'])(self.mesh, order=self.interp_ord,
dirichlet=self.dirichlet_names.get('u', ''), dgjumps=self.DG)
compound_fes = ngs.FESpace([fes])
return compound_fes
def _set_model_parameters(self) -> None:
self.dc = self.model_functions.model_parameters_dict['diffusion_coefficient']['all']
self.f = self.model_functions.model_functions_dict['source']['all']
[docs] def construct_bilinear_time_ODE(self, U: Union[List[ProxyFunction], List[GridFunction]], V: List[ProxyFunction],
dt: Parameter = Parameter(1.0), time_step: int = 0) -> List[BilinearForm]:
# Split up the trial (weighting) and test functions
u = U[0]
v = V[0]
# Laplacian term
a = dt * self.dc[time_step] * ngs.InnerProduct(ngs.Grad(u), ngs.Grad(v)) * ngs.dx
# Bulk of Bilinear form
if self.DG:
# Define the special DG functions.
n, _, alpha, I_mat = get_special_functions(self.mesh, self.nu)
if self.dirichlet_names.get('u', None) is not None:
# Penalty terms for Dirichlet BCs
a += dt * self.dc[time_step] * (
- u * n * ngs.Grad(v) # 1/2 of penalty for u=g on 𝚪_D
- ngs.Grad(u) * n * v # ∇u^ = ∇u
+ alpha * u * v # 1/2 of penalty term for u=g on 𝚪_D from ∇u^
) * self._ds(self.dirichlet_names['u'])
# Robin BCs for u
for marker in self.BC.get('robin', {}).get('u', {}):
r, q = self.BC['robin']['u'][marker][time_step]
a += -dt * self.dc[time_step] * r * u * v * self._ds(marker)
return [a]
[docs] def construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(self, U: List[ProxyFunction], V: List[ProxyFunction], dt: Parameter,
time_step: int) -> List[BilinearForm]:
# Split up the trial (weighting) and test functions
u = U[0]
v = V[0]
if self.DG:
# Define the special DG functions.
n, _, alpha, I_mat = get_special_functions(self.mesh, self.nu)
jump_u = jump(u)
avg_grad_u = grad_avg(u)
jump_v = jump(v)
avg_grad_v = grad_avg(v)
# Penalty for discontinuities
a = dt * self.dc[time_step] * (
- jump_u * n * avg_grad_v # U
- avg_grad_u * n * jump_v # 1/2 term for u+=u- on 𝚪_I from ∇u^
+ alpha * jump_u * jump_v # 1/2 term for u+=u- on 𝚪_I from ∇u^
) * ngs.dx(skeleton=True)
a = ngs.CoefficientFunction(0.0) * ngs.dx
return [a]
[docs] def construct_linear(self, V: List[ProxyFunction], gfu_0: Optional[List[GridFunction]],
dt: Parameter, time_step: int) -> List[LinearForm]:
# V is a list of length 1 for Poisson, get just the first element
v = V[0]
# Source term
L = dt * self.f[time_step] * v * ngs.dx
# Dirichlet BCs for u, they only get added if using DG
if self.DG:
# Define the special DG functions.
n, _, alpha, I_mat = get_special_functions(self.mesh, self.nu)
for marker in self.BC.get('dirichlet', {}).get('u', {}):
g = self.BC['dirichlet']['u'][marker][time_step]
L += dt * self.dc[time_step] * (
alpha * g * v # 1/2 of penalty term for u=g on 𝚪_D from ∇u^
- g * n * ngs.Grad(v) # 1/2 of penalty for u=g on 𝚪_D
) * self._ds(marker)
# Neumann BCs for u
for marker in self.BC.get('neumann', {}).get('u', {}):
h = self.BC['neumann']['u'][marker][time_step]
L += dt * self.dc[time_step] * h * v * self._ds(marker)
# Robin BCs for u
for marker in self.BC.get('robin', {}).get('u', {}):
r, q = self.BC['robin']['u'][marker][time_step]
L += -dt * self.dc[time_step] * r * q * v * self._ds(marker)
return [L]
[docs] def construct_imex_explicit(self, V: List[ProxyFunction], gfu_0: Optional[List[GridFunction]],
dt: Parameter, time_step: int) -> List[LinearForm]:
# The Poisson equation is linear and has no need for IMEX schemes.
[docs] def solve_single_step(self, a_lst: List[BilinearForm], L_lst: List[LinearForm],
precond_lst: List[Preconditioner], gfu: GridFunction, time_step: int = 0) -> None:
self.construct_and_run_solver(a_lst[0], L_lst[0], precond_lst[0], gfu)
[docs] def solve_stationary_iteration(self, a_lst: List[BilinearForm], L_lst: List[LinearForm],
precond_lst: List[Preconditioner], gfu: GridFunction) -> None:
self.construct_and_run_solver(a_lst[0], L_lst[0], precond_lst[0], gfu)
return(0., 0.)
[docs] def accept_stationary_solution(self, gfu: GridFunction):