# Copyright 2021 the authors (see AUTHORS file for full list). #
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# This file is part of OpenCMP. #
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import ngsolve as ngs
from ngsolve import GridFunction, BilinearForm, LinearForm, Parameter
from opencmp.models import Model
from typing import List, Tuple
from ngsolve import dx
[docs]def explicit_euler(model: Model, gfu_0: List[GridFunction], dt: List[Parameter])\
-> Tuple[List[BilinearForm], List[LinearForm]]:
Explicit Euler time integration scheme.
This function constructs the final bilinear and linear forms for the time integration scheme by adding the necessary
time-dependent terms to the model's stationary terms. The returned bilinear and linear forms have NOT been
model: The model to solve.
gfu_0: List of the solutions of previous time steps ordered from most recent to oldest.
dt: List of timestep sizes ordered from most recent to oldest.
Tuple[BilinearForm, LinearForm]:
- a: A list of the final bilinear forms (as a BilinearForm but not assembled).
- L: A list of the final linear forms (as a LinearForm but not assembled).
U, V = model.get_trial_and_test_functions()
gfu_lst = _split_gfu(gfu_0)
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[0]
# Construct the bilinear forms
a: List[BilinearForm] = []
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
# Construct the linear forms
L : List[BilinearForm] = []
L_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(gfu_lst[1], V, tmp_dt, 1)
L_lst = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[1], tmp_dt, 1)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += -1.0 * L_ode[i]
L_tmp += L_lst[i]
# Add time discretization terms
_add_dt_terms(a, L, gfu_lst, model, 'explicit euler')
return a, L
[docs]def implicit_euler(model: Model, gfu_0: List[GridFunction], dt: List[Parameter], step: int = 0) \
-> Tuple[List[BilinearForm], List[LinearForm]]:
Implicit Euler time integration scheme.
This function constructs the final bilinear and linear forms for the time integration scheme by adding the necessary
time-dependent terms to the model's stationary terms. The returned bilinear and linear forms have NOT been
model: The model to solve.
gfu_0: List of the solutions of previous time steps ordered from most recent to oldest.
dt: List of timestep sizes ordered from most recent to oldest.
step: Used for adaptive_three_step to ensure the correct boundary condition and model function values are used
when the half steps are taken.
Tuple[BilinearForm, LinearForm]:
- a: A list of the final bilinear forms (as a BilinearForm but not assembled).
- L: A list of the final linear forms (as a LinearForm but not assembled).
U, V = model.get_trial_and_test_functions()
gfu_lst = _split_gfu(gfu_0)
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[step]
# Construct the bilinear form
a: List[BilinearForm] = []
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, step)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, step)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear form
L : List[BilinearForm] = []
L_lst = model.construct_linear(V, None, tmp_dt, step)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += L_lst[i]
# Add time discretization terms
_add_dt_terms(a, L, gfu_lst, model, 'implicit euler')
return a, L
[docs]def crank_nicolson(model: Model, gfu_0: List[GridFunction], dt: List[Parameter])\
-> Tuple[List[BilinearForm], List[LinearForm]]:
Crank Nicolson (trapezoidal rule) time integration scheme.
This function constructs the final bilinear and linear forms for the time integration scheme by adding the necessary
time-dependent terms to the model's stationary terms. The returned bilinear and linear forms have NOT been
model: The model to solve.
gfu_0: List of the solutions of previous time steps ordered from most recent to oldest.
dt: List of timestep sizes ordered from most recent to oldest.
Tuple[BilinearForm, LinearForm]:
- a: A list of the final bilinear forms (as a BilinearForm but not assembled).
- L: A list of the final linear forms (as a LinearForm but not assembled).
U, V = model.get_trial_and_test_functions()
gfu_lst = _split_gfu(gfu_0)
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[0]
# Construct the bilinear form
a: List[BilinearForm] = []
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = ngs.BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += 0.5 * a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear form
L: List[BilinearForm] = []
L_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(gfu_lst[1], V, tmp_dt, 1)
L_lst_0 = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[0], tmp_dt, 0)
L_lst_1 = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[1], tmp_dt, 1)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += -0.5 * L_ode[i]
L_tmp += 0.5 * L_lst_0[i]
L_tmp += 0.5 * L_lst_1[i]
# Add time discretization terms
_add_dt_terms(a, L, gfu_lst, model, 'crank nicolson')
return a, L
[docs]def euler_IMEX(model: Model, gfu_0: List[GridFunction], dt: List[Parameter])\
-> Tuple[List[BilinearForm], List[LinearForm]]:
First order IMEX time integration scheme.
This function constructs the final bilinear and linear forms for the time integration scheme by adding the necessary
time-dependent terms to the model's stationary terms. The returned bilinear and linear forms have NOT been
model: The model to solve.
gfu_0: List of the solutions of previous time steps ordered from most recent to oldest.
dt: List of timestep sizes ordered from most recent to oldest.
Tuple[BilinearForm, LinearForm]:
- a: A list of the final bilinear forms (as a BilinearForm but not assembled).
- L: A list of the final linear forms (as a LinearForm but not assembled).
U, V = model.get_trial_and_test_functions()
gfu_lst = _split_gfu(gfu_0)
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[0]
# Construct the bilinear form
a: List[BilinearForm] = []
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear form
L : List[BilinearForm] = []
L_lst = model.construct_linear(V, None, tmp_dt, 0)
L_imex = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[1], tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = ngs.LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += L_lst[i]
L_tmp += L_imex[i]
# Add time discretization terms
_add_dt_terms(a, L, gfu_lst, model, 'implicit euler')
return a, L
[docs]def CNLF(model: Model, gfu_0: List[GridFunction], dt: List[Parameter]) \
-> Tuple[List[BilinearForm], List[LinearForm]]:
Crank Nicolson Leap Frog IMEX time integration scheme.
This function constructs the final bilinear and linear forms for the time integration scheme by adding the necessary
time-dependent terms to the model's stationary terms. The returned bilinear and linear forms have NOT been
model: The model to solve.
gfu_0: List of the solutions of previous time steps ordered from most recent to oldest.
dt: List of timestep sizes ordered from most recent to oldest.
Tuple[BilinearForm, LinearForm]:
- a: A list of the final bilinear forms (as a BilinearForm but not assembled).
- L: A list of the final linear forms (as a LinearForm but not assembled).
U, V = model.get_trial_and_test_functions()
gfu_lst = _split_gfu(gfu_0)
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[0]
# Construct the bilinear forms
a: List[BilinearForm] = []
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += 2.0 * a_lst[i]
a_tmp += a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear form
L : List[BilinearForm] = []
L_lst = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[2], tmp_dt, 2)
L_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(gfu_lst[2], V, tmp_dt, 2)
L_imex = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[1], tmp_dt, 1)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += L_lst[i]
L_tmp += -1.0 * L_ode[i]
L_tmp += 2.0 * L_imex[i]
# Add time discretization terms
_add_dt_terms(a, L, gfu_lst, model, 'CNLF')
return a, L
[docs]def SBDF(model: Model, gfu_0: List[GridFunction], dt: List[Parameter]) \
-> Tuple[List[BilinearForm], List[LinearForm]]:
Third order semi-implicit backwards differencing time integration scheme.
This function constructs the final bilinear and linear forms for the time integration scheme by adding the necessary
time-dependent terms to the model's stationary terms. The returned bilinear and linear forms have NOT been
model: The model to solve.
gfu_0: List of the solutions of previous time steps ordered from most recent to oldest.
dt: List of timestep sizes ordered from most recent to oldest.
Tuple[BilinearForm, LinearForm]:
- a: A list of the final bilinear forms (as a BilinearForm but not assembled).
- L: A list of the final linear forms (as a LinearForm but not assembled).
U, V = model.get_trial_and_test_functions()
gfu_lst = _split_gfu(gfu_0)
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[0]
# Construct the bilinear forms
a: List[BilinearForm] = []
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = ngs.BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear form
L : List[BilinearForm] = []
L_lst = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[0], tmp_dt, 0)
L_imex_1 = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[1], tmp_dt, 1)
L_imex_2 = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[2], tmp_dt, 2)
L_imex_3 = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[3], tmp_dt, 3)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = ngs.LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += L_lst[i]
L_tmp += 3.0 * L_imex_1[i]
L_tmp += -3.0 * L_imex_2[i]
L_tmp += L_imex_3[i]
# Add time discretization terms
_add_dt_terms(a, L, gfu_lst, model, 'SBDF')
return a, L
[docs]def adaptive_IMEX_pred(model: Model, gfu_0: List[GridFunction], dt: List[Parameter]) \
-> Tuple[List[BilinearForm], List[LinearForm]]:
Predictor for the adaptive time-stepping IMEX time integration scheme.
This function constructs the final bilinear and linear forms for the time integration scheme by adding the necessary
time-dependent terms to the model's stationary terms. The returned bilinear and linear forms have NOT been
model: The model to solve.
gfu_0: List of the solutions of previous time steps ordered from most recent to oldest.
dt: List of timestep sizes ordered from most recent to oldest.
Tuple[BilinearForm, LinearForm]:
- a: A list of the final bilinear forms (as a BilinearForm but not assembled).
- L: A list of the final linear forms (as a LinearForm but not assembled).
U, V = model.get_trial_and_test_functions()
gfu_lst = _split_gfu(gfu_0)
# Create list of the previous time-step's result
# NOTE: It is assumed that pressure is always the 2nd in the list
gfu_prev = [gfu_lst[0][i] for i in range(len(gfu_lst[0]))]
# Zero out pressure
gfu_prev[1] = 0.0
# Operators specific to this time integration scheme.
w = dt[0] / dt[1]
E = model.construct_gfu().components[0]
E_expr = (1.0 + w) * gfu_lst[0][0] - w * gfu_lst[1][0]
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[0]
# Construct the bilinear forms
a: List[BilinearForm] = []
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear forms
L : List[BilinearForm] = []
# TODO: Why doesn't using E work? Numerical error?
L_lst = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[0], tmp_dt, 0)
L_imex = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_prev, tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += L_lst[i]
L_tmp += L_imex[i]
# Add time discretization terms
_add_dt_terms(a, L, gfu_lst, model, 'crank nicolson')
return a, L
[docs]def RK_222(model: Model, gfu_0: List[GridFunction], dt: List[Parameter], step: int) \
-> Tuple[List[BilinearForm], List[LinearForm]]:
Two-step second-order Runge Kutta IMEX time integration scheme.
This function constructs the final bilinear and linear forms for the time integration scheme by adding the necessary
time-dependent terms to the model's stationary terms. The returned bilinear and linear forms have NOT been
model: The model to solve.
gfu_0: List of the solutions of intermediate steps in reverse step order (ie: [step n+1 sol, step 2 sol, step 1
sol, step n sol]).
dt: List of current time step size.
step: Which step of the Runge Kutta scheme should be assembled.
Tuple[BilinearForm, LinearForm]:
- a: A list of the final bilinear forms (as a BilinearForm but not assembled).
- L: A list of the final linear forms (as a LinearForm but not assembled).
U, V = model.get_trial_and_test_functions()
gfu_lst = _split_gfu(gfu_0)
# Define scheme-specific constants. These might eventually become user-specified constants.
gamma = 0.5 * (2.0 - ngs.sqrt(2.0))
delta = 1.0 - 1.0 / (2.0 - ngs.sqrt(2.0))
# Define the variables to hold the linear and bilinear forms
a: List[BilinearForm] = []
L: List[BilinearForm] = []
if step == 1:
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[1]
# Construct the bilinear forms
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 1)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 1)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear forms
L_lst = model.construct_linear(V, None, tmp_dt, 1)
L_imex = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[2], tmp_dt, 2)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += L_lst[i]
L_tmp += L_imex[i]
elif step == 2:
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[0]
# Construct the bilinear forms
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += gamma * a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear form
L_lst_0 = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[0], tmp_dt, 0)
L_lst_1 = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[1], tmp_dt, 1)
L_imex_1 = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[1], tmp_dt, 1)
L_imex_2 = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[2], tmp_dt, 2)
L_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(gfu_lst[1], V, tmp_dt, 1)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += gamma * L_lst_0[i]
L_tmp += (1.0 - gamma) * L_lst_1[i]
L_tmp += (1.0 - delta) * L_imex_1[i]
L_tmp += delta * L_imex_2[i]
L_tmp += -(1.0 - gamma) * L_ode[i]
raise ValueError('RK 222 only has 2 steps. Step \'{}\' is invalid'.format(step))
_add_dt_terms(a, L, gfu_lst, model, 'RK 222')
return a, L
[docs]def RK_232(model: Model, gfu_0: List[GridFunction], dt: List[Parameter], step: int)\
-> Tuple[List[BilinearForm], List[LinearForm]]:
Three-step second-order Runge Kutta IMEX time integration scheme.
This function constructs the final bilinear and linear forms for the time integration scheme by adding the necessary
time-dependent terms to the model's stationary terms. The returned bilinear and linear forms have NOT been
model: The model to solve.
gfu_0: List of the solutions of intermediate steps in reverse step order (ie: [step n+1 sol, step 2 sol, step 1
sol, step n sol]).
dt: List of current time step size.
step: Which step of the Runge Kutta scheme should be assembled.
Tuple[BilinearForm, LinearForm]:
- a: A list of the final bilinear forms (as a BilinearForm but not assembled).
- L: A list of the final linear forms (as a LinearForm but not assembled).
U, V = model.get_trial_and_test_functions()
gfu_lst = _split_gfu(gfu_0)
# Define scheme-specific constants. These might eventually become user-specified constants.
gamma = 0.5 * (2.0 - ngs.sqrt(2.0))
delta = -2.0 * ngs.sqrt(2.0) / 3.0
# Define the variables to hold the linear and bilinear forms
a: List[BilinearForm] = []
L: List[BilinearForm] = []
if step == 1:
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[2]
# Construct the bilinear form
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 2)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 2)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear form
L_lst = model.construct_linear(V, None, tmp_dt, 2)
L_imex = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[3], tmp_dt, 3)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += L_lst[i]
L_tmp += L_imex[i]
elif step == 2:
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[1]
# Construct the bilinear form
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 1)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 1)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += gamma * a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear form
L_lst_1 = model.construct_linear(V, None, tmp_dt, 1)
L_lst_2 = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[2], tmp_dt, 2)
L_imex_2 = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[2], tmp_dt, 2)
L_imex_3 = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[3], tmp_dt, 3)
L_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(gfu_lst[2], V, tmp_dt, 2)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += gamma * L_lst_1[i]
L_tmp += (1.0 - gamma) * L_lst_2[i]
L_tmp += (1.0 - delta) * L_imex_2[i]
L_tmp += delta * L_imex_3[i]
L_tmp += -(1.0 - gamma) * L_ode[i]
elif step == 3:
# All the terms use the same dt.
tmp_dt = dt[0]
# Construct the bilinear form
a_lst = model.construct_bilinear_time_coefficient(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
a_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(U, V, tmp_dt, 0)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a_tmp = BilinearForm(model.fes)
a_tmp += a_lst[i]
a_tmp += gamma * a_ode[i]
# Construct the linear form
L_lst_0 = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[0], tmp_dt, 0)
L_lst_2 = model.construct_linear(V, gfu_lst[2], tmp_dt, 2)
L_imex_1 = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[1], tmp_dt, 1)
L_imex_2 = model.construct_imex_explicit(V, gfu_lst[2], tmp_dt, 2)
L_ode = model.construct_bilinear_time_ODE(gfu_lst[2], V, tmp_dt, 2)
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
L_tmp = LinearForm(model.fes)
L_tmp += gamma * L_lst_0[i]
L_tmp += (1.0 - gamma) * L_lst_2[i]
L_tmp += delta * L_imex_1[i]
L_tmp += (1.0 - delta) * L_imex_2[i]
L_tmp += -(1.0 - gamma) * L_ode[i]
raise ValueError('RK 232 only has 3 steps. Step \'{}\' is invalid'.format(step))
_add_dt_terms(a, L, gfu_lst, model, 'RK 232')
return a, L
[docs]def _add_dt_terms(a: List[BilinearForm], L: List[BilinearForm], gfu_lst: List[List[GridFunction]],
model: Model, time_discretization_scheme: str) -> None:
Function to handle the adding of the time discretization terms to the linear and bilinear forms.
a: List of all of the bilinear forms for the model
L: List of all of the linear forms for the model
gfu_lst: List of the solutions of previous time steps in reverse chronological order.
time_discretization_scheme: The name of the time integration discretization being used.
# Construct the time discretization terms
a_dt, L_dt = model.time_derivative_terms(gfu_lst, time_discretization_scheme)
# When adding the time discretization term, multiply by the phase field if using the diffuse interface method.
if model.DIM:
for i in range(len(a_dt)):
a_dt[i] *= model.DIM_solver.phi_gfu
L_dt[i] *= model.DIM_solver.phi_gfu
for i in range(model.num_weak_forms):
a[i] += a_dt[i] * dx
L[i] += L_dt[i] * dx
[docs]def _split_gfu(gfu: List[GridFunction]) -> List[List[GridFunction]]:
Function to separate out the various components of each gridfunction solution to a previous timestep.
The first entry in gfu_lst is None so that its indexing matches the indexing for dt and the step argument in
the functions for constructing the weak form (ie: gfu_lst[1], dt[1] and step=1 all refer to values at time n).
The final result should be gfu_lst = [None, [component 0, component 1...] at t^n, [component 0, component 1...]
at t^n-1, ...].
gfu: List of gridfunctions to split up
[[component 0, component 1...] at t^n, [component 0, component 1...] at t^n-1, ...]
# NOTE: First entry is supposed to be None, see function docstring
gfu_lst: List[List[GridFunction]] = [None]
for i in range(len(gfu)):
if len(gfu[i].components) > 0:
gfu_lst.append([gfu[i].components[j] for j in range(len(gfu[i].components))])
return gfu_lst