Source code for opencmp.solvers.transient_RK

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from ..models import Model
from typing import Type, Optional
from ..config_functions import ConfigParser
from .time_integration_schemes import RK_222, RK_232
from .base_solver import Solver
import ngsolve as ngs
from ngsolve import Preconditioner
from typing import List, Tuple

Module for the Runge Kutta transient solver class.

[docs]class TransientRKSolver(Solver): """ Transient Runge Kutta solver with a fixed time step. """ def __init__(self, model_class: Type[Model], config: ConfigParser) -> None: super().__init__(model_class, config) self.step = 1
[docs] def reset_model(self) -> None: super().reset_model()
def _startup(self) -> None: # Runge Kutta schemes are single-step schemes so should never need a startup. pass def _apply_boundary_conditions(self) -> None: self.model.apply_dirichlet_bcs_to(self.gfu, self.scheme_order - self.step) def _assemble(self) -> None: for i in range(len(self.a_list[-self.step])): self.a_list[-self.step][i].Assemble() self.L_list[-self.step][i].Assemble() self._update_preconditioners(self.preconditioner_list[-self.step]) def _create_linear_and_bilinear_forms(self) -> None: # Each intermediate step has its own bilinear and linear form. Add the weak forms in reverse step order to be # consistent with the order of t_param, dt_param, and gfu_0_list. self.a_list = [] self.L_list = [] for i in range(self.scheme_order, 0, -1): if self.scheme == 'RK 222': a, L = RK_222(self.model, self.gfu_0_list, self.dt_param, i) self.a_list.append(a) self.L_list.append(L) elif self.scheme == 'RK 232': a, L = RK_232(self.model, self.gfu_0_list, self.dt_param, i) self.a_list.append(a) self.L_list.append(L) else: raise ValueError('Have not implemented {} time integration yet.'.format(self.scheme)) def _create_preconditioners(self) -> None: # Each intermediate step needs its own preconditioner. Add the preconditioners in reverse step order to be # consistent with the order of t_param, dt_param, and gfu_0_list. self.preconditioner_list = [self.model.construct_preconditioners(a) for a in self.a_list] def _update_preconditioners(self, precond_lst: List[Optional[Preconditioner]] = None) -> None: for preconditioner in precond_lst: if preconditioner is not None: preconditioner.Update() def _load_and_apply_initial_conditions(self) -> None: self.gfu_0_list: List[ngs.GridFunction] = [] for i in range(self.scheme_order): gfu_0 = self.model.construct_gfu() = self.model.IC.vec self.gfu_0_list.append(gfu_0) # Update the values of the model variables based on the initial condition and re-parse the model functions as # necessary. self.model.update_model_variables(self.gfu_0_list[0], time_step=self.scheme_order) def _re_assemble(self) -> None: self._assemble() def _single_solve(self) -> None: # Have already assembled the weak form and set the boundary conditions for the first intermediate step. # Solve the first intermediate step. self.model.solve_single_step(self.a_list[-1], self.L_list[-1], self.preconditioner_list[-1], self.gfu, self.scheme_order - 1) # Update self.gfu_0_list and self.step. self._update_intermediate_step() while self.step < self.scheme_order: # Apply boundary conditions for the next intermediate step. self._apply_boundary_conditions() # Assemble the weak form for the next intermediate step. self._re_assemble() # Solve the next intermediate step. self.model.solve_single_step(self.a_list[-self.step], self.L_list[-self.step], self.preconditioner_list[-self.step], self.gfu, self.scheme_order - self.step) # Update self.gfu_0_list and self.step. self._update_intermediate_step() # The intermediate steps are done, now solve for the actual time step solution. # Apply boundary conditions. self._apply_boundary_conditions() # Assemble the weak form. self._re_assemble() # Solve the time step. self.model.solve_single_step(self.a_list[0], self.L_list[0], self.preconditioner_list[0], self.gfu, 0) def _update_time_step(self) -> Tuple[bool, float, float, str]: # Set all intermediate step solutions to the current solution. Set all dt values to the next dt (may vary to # hit a save point). next_dt = min(self.dt_param_init.Get(), self._dt_for_next_time_to_hit()) self.dt_param[-1].Set(self.dt_param[0].Get()) for i in range(self.scheme_order): self.gfu_0_list[i] = self.gfu.vec self.dt_param[i].Set(next_dt * self.scheme_dt_coef[i]) # Update the values of the model variables based on the previous timestep and re-parse the model functions as # necessary. self.model.update_model_variables(self.gfu, time_step=self.scheme_order) # Update the model component values for all the intermediate time steps to be the trial functions. for i in range(1, self.scheme_order): self.model.update_model_variables(self.U, time_step=i) # Reset self.step to one. self.step = 1 return True, -1.0, -1.0, '' def _update_intermediate_step(self) -> None: # Set the appropriate intermediate step solution to the current solution. self.gfu_0_list[-(self.step + 1)] = self.gfu.vec # Update the values of the model variables for this intermediate step and re-parse the model functions as # necessary. self.model.update_model_variables(self.gfu, time_step=self.scheme_order - self.step + 1) # Update self.step. self.step += 1